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Monday, June 6, 2016

HEALTHY DOSE of information


A LOOK AT EYELID SURGERY Dr. Kenneth Sanders, of Knight & Sanders Plastic Surgery in Shreveport, said that while the majority of his practice works with women for facial and other procedures, more men are coming in to get a confidence boost with a nip and tuck.

“Men make up only about 10-15 percent of my practice,” Sanders said. “Upper Katie Ho eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty, is common [as well as] neck lifts for the submental wattle (turkey gobbler neck), and hair transplants are popular with men, too. Kybella injections are poised to be hugely popular with men, [which is an] injectable fat dissolve.”

Sanders said the neck lifts for submental wattle take about one week for recovery time and can be somewhat of an invasive procedure. As for hair transplants, recovery time can be anywhere from five to six days, and blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can take up to one week. The injections, however, do not usually take any recovery time, according to Sanders.

Reasoning for men seeking these procedures can vary, but Sanders said the most common explanation is men want to look as they did in their younger years. Other reasons include stress over looking as though they are not themselves, or a different person, or feeling as if certain areas are looking “weird.”

Eyelid lifts are typically needed due to the process of aging.

“Most aging of the upper eyelids is caused by excess or laxity of the skin without much fat, [whereas] the lower eyelid is the opposite – mostly fat that needs to be repositioned (not removed) and a little skin,” Sanders said.

The upper lid procedures are typically done in the office under local anesthesia in about 30 minutes, whereas the lower lid requires deeper anesthesia although it is still light. Sanders stated that he performs a fat transposition procedure to preserve the natural shape and appearance of the eyelid. Both surgeries require sutures which are removed in about six days.

“[These procedures] help with their self-confidence,” Sanders said. “Especially if the lids are very lax or with large fat pads, [they have said] it makes them look less tired as well.”


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