Run For The Angels

Annual Holy Angels walk, run will be a 5K “virtual” blowout
The 19th Annual David Rice Memorial Angel Run and Walk benefiting Holy Angels will be held as a virtual 5K for the first time. The event is sponsored by presenting sponsor Sam Pack Auto Group and will culminate Saturday, June 27, with an online community celebration through the hashtag #IRunForAngels.
A virtual race is an event that is enjoyed by running, jogging or walking from the location of your choice: This may be near your home, on a treadmill or anywhere you feel most comfortable. Participants can race at their own pace, on their own or with friends, and share their results on Facebook or Instagram. Registration details and ideas on how to participate in a virtual 5K can be found by visiting Holy Angels’ website and clicking on “Angel Run.”
“We are excited about the new opportunities this approach will present as we take the Angel Run to a new level with virtual participation. This is something that we had planned to add to our traditional race anyway, so the timing was perfect,” said Kelley Matkins, Holy Angels’ event coordinator.
After much consideration, Holy Angels decided to make the move due to the vulnerable population of individuals with disabilities who call its 64-acre campus home. Historically, the Angel Run has been a time when the community has enjoyed coming together with the residents and program participants of Holy Angels for a 5K through the beautiful Long Lake neighborhood in South Shreveport, followed by an after-party on campus. When COVID-19 precautions began to roll out, and the CDC published recommendations regarding large gatherings, it was decided that going all virtual was the best way to protect the health and well-being of the people served by Holy Angels and our loyal run participants and volunteers.
The Virtual Angel Run will allow participants to connect with the mission of Holy Angels in a different way and raise awareness in an even more powerful way. Holy Angels serves families from more than 15 different states, and their network of extended family and friends stretches worldwide.
The Virtual Angel Run allows these families who live in other cities and states to collectively participate from the safety and convenience of their neighborhoods. The Holy Angels residents are especially looking forward to sharing this experience with their loved ones through Facebook and Instagram @LAHOLYANGELS.
“Whether virtual or in-person, the Angel Run is the highlight of our year. It is the perfect way to remember David and help all of the Holy Angels residents in a tremendous way,” said event founders, Barbara and Jim Rice.
Eighty-five cents of each dollar received through the Angel Run directly benefits these residents, providing them with a path to selffulfillment through education, empowerment, spirituality, independence and work. Holy Angels’ clients are provided opportunities to live in the most independent settings in homes integrated in the community. In addition, individuals with behavior or medical needs are served on our beautiful campus in specialized programs. At the Holy Angels Autism Center, children, teens and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder are receiving cuttingedge care through Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).
By registering for Angel Run, you will make a difference in the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Be sure to follow Holy Angels’ Facebook page for special announcements and links to suggested 5K courses that you might like to run or walk. Thanks to a sponsorship by Regional Perinatal Group, prizes will be awarded to the largest team, the team who raises the most funds, the best creative costume, favorite team T-shirt, and for the oldest and youngest registered runners. A special collection of gifts from local businesses will be awarded to one lucky giveaway winner who uses the hashtag #IRunForAngels on social media through June 27.
Kristen Powers is the director of development at Holy Angels.