A Deep Dive Into The Arts

At ARTBREAK 37, outstanding students from grades 5-12 participate in MASTER CLASSES led by EXPERT ARTISTS in their respective Arts Discipline. Classes are held Monday through Thursday, April 19-21, at the Shreveport Convention Center and involve all kinds of disciplines, including Literary and Poetry Workshops, Dance Lessons, Programming Lessons, Fashion Designing, and a first-ever Film Prize Jr.! Master Class.
Schools select two students (Grades 5-12) to attend EACH Master Class in a chosen Arts Discipline. Students meet with their Master Class Teacher and other Outstanding Students interested in “mastering” their art abilities. It’s an opportunity to work one-on-one with Professional Artists, to develop skills and techniques in a specific Arts discipline!
You can support the ArtBreak Master Classes and all the programming at ArtBreak by donating for Give For Good.
Tuesday May 2, or schedule Advanced giving begins April 18! Donate at giveforgoodnla.org
Literary Workshop with the Student Choice Awards: Students will get their hands FIGURATIVELY Dirty with a lesson in Literary Criticism. After selecting personal favorite works and discussing their choices among their peers, the top 20 will be awarded the Student Choice Award!
Students will gain understanding in the Art of Interpreting Poetry, Prose, and the written word, then use these skills and new knowledge to transform the 2023 ArtBreak Literary Entries into an Oral presentation containing rhythm, intonation, rate, pitch, and characterization. Participating students are encouraged to sign up to RETURN to the public festival, Friday- Sunday, to present their Oral Interpretation works on the McGivney Performance Stage.
Visual Workshop with the Student Choice Awards: Claire Simmons, A.C. Steere Elementary Art Teacher, and Chair of the Juried Visual Art Exhibition, will lead the students participating in this Master Class as they “explore” all of their options to Learn and Create Art! After a hands-on lesson in Art Technique and Criticism, students will choose personal favorites from the Visual Art Exhibition and work collaboratively among other students to defend their choices. The top 20 works chosen by students will receive the Student Choice Award!
New and ready to take the stage, the team of Anne Chandler and Cookie Dubois, the dynamic Fashion Instruction Duo from the Caddo Career and Technology Center, will teach high school students the basics of Fashion Design and Make-up/Hair Design. These newly learned skills include illustration, draping, and sewing. Students will have a chance to SHOW OFF their designs on Friday, April 21, in the Fashion Extravaganza and the $500 Unconventional Fashion Challenge!
“The Masterclass is a great opportunity for students of all levels of experience to discover what a class or career in Fashion would be like,” DuBois says.
The all-inclusive Dance Company from California will teach students the dance techniques of Modern, Ballet, and Breakdancing, proving EVERYONE and ANYONE can learn to dance! Straight Up Abilities’ dance programs are enjoyed by all students and highlight the artistic abilities of students enrolled in the Department of Exceptional Children.
A marvelous continuation of a project started by Jason Lyons and the Sci-Port educational team in 2021, this Master Class will introduce students (Grades 5-12) to the principles of Lighting Design Programming that will LIGHT UP the Bakowski Bridge of Lights on the Texas Street Bridge. Participating students will create a design for the ArtBreak Light Show!
Middle and High School Students are introduced to the National Competition, POETRY OUT LOUD, where they will prepare an interpretation of an ArtBreak winning poem. The Louisiana State Winner and local participants will share their works as well as share tips on succeeding in the competition. The Poetry Out Loud Master Class will be a full day of playing with poems, and students will have the opportunity to PERFORM their work at the end of the day. We are Eager and Excited for this in-depth, engaging Master Class!
Film Prize Jr. is back with Master Classes instructed by Gregory Kallenberg, Founder of Film Prize, and Amy O’Callahan. Students will learn about creating concepts, writing stories, and producing & editing short films.
This is the FIRST year that Film Prize Junior will be hosting Master Classes, and Kallenberg is excited for the FUN that students pursuing film will indulge themselves in, stating that students “will be transformed by the amazingly fun experience of learning filmmaking, and getting a leg up on the competition for Film Prize Junior 2023-2024. It will certainly be a fun, interactive, informative day for all our attendees. For the record, this class is where all the cool kids will be!”
These Master classes will take place separately for Elementary Students on Wednesday, and Middle School students on Thursday. Pre-selected students will participate in Master Classes that will prepare them for Competition Challenges including Quiz Bowl, Puzzle, Constructed Response, and Oral Interpretation.
Don’t Miss the FREE ArtBreak Family Festival this weekend at the Shreveport Convention Center
April 21-23
See the full schedule of events at ArtBreakSB.com
Free parking at the Shreveport Convention Center Garage