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THROUGH AUG. 25: EXHIBITIONS AT LSEM: The Louisiana State Exhibit Museum presents the exhibitions of the Shreveport Art Club and Louisiana Mud Mavens ceramic art in the West Wing Galleries. Free and open to the public. For more information, go to www.laexhbitmuseum.org. 3015 Greenwood Road, Shreveport.
THROUGH SEPT. 27: “EXAGGERATING NATURE’S BEAUTY”: Jennifer Hendry and her soloshow exhibition in the Bossier Arts lower gallery. Bossier Arts Council, 630 Barksdale Blvd., Bossier City.
THROUGH SEPT. 27: THE ART OF JOAN COLE: Joan Cole, a Shreveport artist, captures her interest in realism and the abstract. For more information, call 318-741-8310 or bossierarts@bossierarts.org. Bossier Arts Council in the East Bank Gallery, 630 Barksdale Blvd., Bossier City.
THROUGH OCT. 21: THE ART OF DOMINIQUE MCLEMORE AND JOE BLUHM: Discover the soul-stirring artistry of Dominique McLemore at “HUEMANEiTY” exhibition and “CUMULUS,” a collection of animation projects and illustrated stores by Joe Bluhm in downtown Shreveport at Artspace. 708 Texas St., Shreveport.
AUG. 31 - NOV. 19: LINE, FORM, FASHION! THE ART OF STYLE: This exhibition features 40+ works of fine and poster art ranging from Jane Atché and René Gruau to Michel Canetti and Christian Dior. In addition to these pieces from the museum’s permanent collection, five Shreveport professional photographers have been asked to create work inspired by this exhibition to be displayed alongside the museum's artwork. Opening reception, Aug. 31, from 5 - 7 p.m. Free and open to the public. R.W. Norton Art Gallery. 4747 Creswell Ave., Shreveport.
SEPT. 7 - 29: EXHIBIT BY STEPHEN D. PORTER: The Louisiana State Exhibit Museum will host the exhibition, “A Collection of Creations,” by artist Stephen D. Porter. Large-scale murals, paintings and 3D creations. Opening reception Sept. 7 from 4:30 - 7 p.m. For more information about the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum, go to www.laexhibitmuseum.org or call 318.632.2020. 3015 Greenwood Rd., Shreveport.
SEPT. 18 - 20: WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP: The Hoover Watercolor Society presents a three-day watercolor workshop with acclaimed plein air artist Rickie Vios. Mon. and Tues. in studio at Baptist Bible Fellowship Center, 8900 Kingston Road, Shreveport and Wedensday plein air at Andress Artist and Entrepreneur Center at 717 Crocket St., Shreveport. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. each day. $350 for members ($370 after 8/24) or nonmembers, $385. For more information or to sign up: stskrivanos@gmail.com.
2JOHNS STEAK & SEAFOOD: Live music. Tuesday-Saturday, and for Friday lunch from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.; featuring local artists such as Winston Hall, Shawn Stroope, Drew Ley and Toni Mundy, The Lovers, Jimmy Wooton and Haley Brooke. Call for weekly schedule. 2151 Airline Drive, Bossier City. 318-841-5646.
1931 LOUNGE HORSESHOE CASINO: Live music 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. Karaoke on Thursdays, 7-11 p.m.; Aug. 25 and 26, Front Cover Band; Sept. 1 and 2, Chasin’ Benjamins; Sept. 3, Tipsey; Horseshoe Blvd., Bossier City.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 14: Live music every Friday night 7-10 p.m. $5 cover. Every Sunday is trivia/karaoke starting at 5 p.m.; 5315 S. Lakeshore Drive, Shreveport. 318 635-8186.
BAYOU THUNDER: Live music. 1910 Market St., Shreveport. 318-848-7732.
BEAUXJAX CRAFTHOUSE: Live music. 501 Barksdale Blvd, Bossier City. 318-584-7169.
CELEBRITY LOUNGE BALLY’S CASINO: DJs Friday and Saturday nights. 451 Clyde Fant Pkwy., Shreveport.
CHIANTI: Dorsey Summerfield Jr., 7-10 p.m., Friday and Saturday in the Green Room. 6535 Line Ave., Shreveport. 868-8866.
ERNEST’S ORLEANS: Live music. Every Tuesday, big burgers, big blues and big times with Betty Lewis, 6-9 p.m.; 1601 N. Spring St., Shreveport. 318-226-1325.
FRANK’S PIZZA: Live music from 6-9 p.m.: Aug. 24, Tim Powell; Aug. 29, Haley Brown; Aug. 31, Daniel Goodwill; Sept. 5, Christopher Gates; 6950 Fern Ave., Shreveport. 318-230-7130.
FROZEN PIROGUE: Live music 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.; Aug. 23, Josh Love; Sept. 5, Hali Brown; Sept. 6, Matt Nestor; 515 Barksdale Blvd., Bossier City. 318-459-6672.
HURRICANE ALLEY: Live music. Aug. 24, Tailgate Poets; Aug. 25, Framing The Red w/Militia; Aug. 26, Metal Shop; Aug. 30, Jimmy Wooten; Aug. 31, Gin Mobsters; Sept. 1, Cal Presley; Sept. 2, The Hollow Decks; Sept. 7, Dusty Rose; Sept. 8, The Georgia Thunderbolts; Sept. 9, Grand Illusion (Styx Tribute); 500 Ogilvie St., Bossier City.
NOBLE SAVAGE Live music. Every Wednesday night playing memories and the blues, 8 p.m.; 417 Texas St., Shreveport. 318-828-2619.
RED RIVER BREWPUB/THE GARAGE: Live music. 310 Mansfield St., Bossier City. 318-317-4110
SAM’S TOWN CASINO: Live music from 7 p.m. - midnight; Aug. 25, Chasin’ Benjamins; Aug. 26, The Cartoons; Sept. 1, Loosey Anna; Sept. 2, 8-Track; Sept. 8, Jake Williams; Sept. 9, Stompbox; Sept. 15, Southern Soul; Sept. 16, Slurred Words; Sept. 22, Chasin’ Benjamins; Sept. 23, The Crowd; Sept. 29, Raven; Sept. 30, East Kings; 315 Clyde Fant Pkwy., Shreveport. 318-424-7777.
SUPERIOR’S STEAKHOUSE: Live piano music: Tues., Brian Watson, 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Wed., Alan Dyson, 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Thurs., Stan Hoffman, 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Fri., Brian Watson & Avery Covington, 6-10 p.m.; Sat., Daniel Ley Duo, 7-11 p.m.; Sun., Victoria Wells, 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; 855 Pierremont Road, No. 120, Shreveport. 318-219-4123.
THE CUB LOUNGE AND GRILLE: Live music. 3002 Girard St., Shreveport. 318-861-6517.
THE SEVENTH TAP BREWING PROJECT: Live music from 6-9 p.m. 2640 Linwood Ave., Shreveport, La. 318-754-4471.
TIKI BAR AND GRILL: Live music from 6-9 p.m. Aug. 25, Open Mic; Aug. 26, MGB; Aug. 30, DD4; Aug. 31, Sutie Harmony; 2640 Linwood Ave., Shreveport, La. 318-754-4471.
TWISTED ROOT: Monday night is Trivia Night from 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays, live music on the patio from 6-10 p.m., Buddy Flett. 8690 Line Ave., Shreveport. 868-6410.
WHAT’S ON TAP: Live music. Every Thurs., Christopher Gates, 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.; 1207 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy., Shreveport. 318-869-2422.
AUG. 26: LOUISIANA GRANDSTAND: A night of music live on stage: Aug. 26, Bryan Martin. Tickets may be purchased at www.louisianagrandstand.com. WDC, 802 Margaret Place, Shreveport.
EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH: GLOFESTS: The Shreveport Regional Arts Council (SRAC) is thrilled to announce the debut of its monthly GloFest on the “Bakowski Bridge of Lights” on Texas Street Bridge. Free festival. Features new animated light shows on the bridge produced by the Light It Up Artist Team and Caddo Parish Schools. 7-10 p.m. Art market, food truck court, street performances and more.
EVERY THURSDAYS - NOVEMBER 16 : THIRSTY THURSDAYS: The Shreveport Regional Arts Council presents “Thirsty Thursdays” at Caddo Common Park. PoeticX “anchors” live entertainment shows; Chase Boytim anchors the bar with themed speciality cocktails for each event. Live entertainment. 6-9 p.m. For more information, call 318-673-6500 or www.shrevearts.org. 869 Texas Ave., Shreveport.
FIRST SATURDAY OF MONTH: SUPER SATURDAYS AT CADDO COMMON PARK: An invigorating free exercise session led by experienced trainers. Participants can join in on five different exercises, including yoga, trampoline exercises, high-impact workouts and more. Also, an enchanting arts market showcasing the work of local artists, and vendors will showcase and sell their creations. 869 Texas Ave., Shreveport.
MONDAYS - THURSDAYS: BOSSIER COUNCIL ON AGING: Bossier’s Council on Aging offers activities for the week. Mondays: paint by number canvas art and yoga. Tuesdays: chair exercise and beanbag baseball. Wednesdays: senior game and yoga. Thursdays: chair exercise and Bingo. For more information, call 318-741-8302. 706 Bearkat Drive, Bossier City.
MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS: SHREVEPORT OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: Hybrid meetings: Zoom and in-person at St. Luke’s Methodist Church, 6012 Youree Drive, Shreveport. Meet in the “Seekers Room.” Monday at 7 p.m. Meeting ID: 408 929 232 Password: 385284. Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Meeting ID: 492 444 818. Password 797919.
ALZHEIMER’S AND DEMENTIA RESOURCE CENTER: Monthly educational mini-workshops for caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Local experts present topics related to Alzheimer’s and dementia in a one-hour session. First Wednesday 11 a.m. - noon at The Resource Center, 851 Olive St., Shreveport. First Saturday at 11 a.m. at Broadmoor Presbyterian Church, 1915 Grover Place, Shreveport.
SATURDAYS THROUGH AUGUST 26: SHREVEPORT FARMERS’ MARKET: The Red River Revel Inc.’s annual farmers’ market provides a bountiful, weekly harvest with over 75 vendors that sell a variety of homegrown and homemade items such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, plants, honey, breads, jams, jellies, pastries, candies, pickles, cheeses, shrimp, various canned goods, seasoning, sauces and meats. There are also artisans with jewelry, crafts, candles, soaps and dog treats. Prepared breakfast and lunch meals available for purchase and consumption. 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For more information, contact farmersmarket@redriverrevel.com, 318-455-5788 or www.shreveportfarmersmarket.com. Festival Plaza, 101 Crockett St., downtown Shreveport.
ONGOING: GLASS-BLOWING WORKSHOPS. Come individually, or bring a group and create your own original piece of art. From pumpkins to flowers and beyond, the experience is a good time with a dazzling reward at the end. Hours: Thurs., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, noon to 5 p.m.; Sat., 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; and Sunday, noon-6 p.m. Sanctuary Glass Studio, 421 Lake St., Shreveport. studiosanctuaryglassstudio.com.
EVERY SATURDAY THROUGH NOVEMBER 25: BOSSIER CITY FARMERS’ MARKET: Support your local community, and invite your friends and family to the market and do some shopping. The market has a wealth of local fresh veggies and fruits, food trucks, jams, salsa, honey, soap, candles, baked goods, jellies, pickles, tamales, flowers, kettle corn, barbecue, lemonade, southern cuisine, fruit smoothies, coffee, Venezuelan cuisine, funnel cakes and much more. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the south parking lot of Pierre Bossier Mall. Visit www.BossierCityFarmersMarket.com. 2950 E. Texas St., Bossier City.
EVERY SATURDAY THROUGH DEC. 16: EXERCISE IN CADDO COMMON PARK: Beginning at 8 and ending at 11 a.m., SRAC hosts this three-tiered program. Every first Saturday of the month is “Super Exercise Saturdays,” which includes three food trucks, hands-on activity, Plein Aire/live painting, arts market, five exercise programs to include a program for children and “Stories from the Gut.” For more information, call 318-673-6500 or www.shrevearts.org. 869 Texas Ave., Shreveport.
SECOND SATURDAYS: ANDRESS ARTIST & ENTREPRENEUR CENTER: Shop and chat with the artists of the AAEC on the second Saturday of each month from 12-4 p.m. at Andress Artist & Entrepreneur Center, 717 Crockett St., Shreveport. https://www.aaec.space/aaecevents.
EVERY WEEKEND: GLASSBLOWING WORKSHOPS: High Gravity Glassworks workshops allow you to participate in the making of a work of art. Book now at https://highgravityglassworks.com. For more information, call 318-582-1424. 1200 Marshall St., Ste. 500, Shreveport.
THROUGH SEPT. 30: GAMEPORT: Sci-Port Discover Center announces the return of “GamePort,” which features interactive stations designed to help visitors enhance critical thinking skills, learn basic traditional science principles, and introduce a variety of science-driven career options in the video game industry, all in a fun and stimulating environment. For children, teens and adults. For more information, call 318-424-3466 or go to www.sci-port.org. 820 Clyde Fant Pkwy, Shreveport.
AUG. 23: OAKWOOD HOME FOR WOMEN: Annual banquet and fundraiser, “Happy, Joyous and Free for 49 Years” at Broadmoor United Methodist Church in Shreveport. All proceeds go to maintain the operating budget needed to provide all food, room and transportation, and other necessities for the women who are residing at Oakwood Home for Women. Oakwood Home benefits the restoring lives of women in the journey of early recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. For sponsorship and ticketing information, go to www.auctria.event/oakwood2023 or call Jess at 318-221-9451.
AUG. 24: AN EVENING WITH ELVIS: Enjoy the life and legacy of Elvis Presley at Sci-Port Discovery Center with a special screening of the Oscar-nominated 2022 film “Elvis” starring Austin Butler. 5:30 - 9 p.m. 856 Clyde Fant Pkwy, Shreveport.
AUG. 26: LOUISIANA LEGENDS: AMATEUR BOXING: The Dement Bros. Boxing Club enters the ring at East Bank Plaza. Spectators can expect around 20 bouts, with the first bell set to ring at 3 p.m. Artists’ vendor booths will be available for shopping with food trucks and also VIP seating available. Live music. For more information or sponsoring, contact jacobbrandon14@yahoo.com or bossierarts@bossierarts.org. East Bank Plaza, Bossier City.
AUG. 31 - NOV. 10: MUNICIPAL EVENTS: Aug. 31, Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Evening; Sept. 14, Jason Isbell + The 400 Unit; Oct. 10, Gov’t Mule - Peace … Like a River Tour; Oct. 19, Bluey’s Big Play; Oct. 21, Theory of a Deadman & Skillet: Rock Resurrection Tour with Saint Asonia; Oct. 25, Joe Bonamassa; Nov. 2, Buddy Guy - The Legend - Damn Right Farewell; Nov. 4, Keeping It Country Live & Sons of AMVETS Veteran Tribute; Nov. 10, Disney Junior Live: Costume Palooza; 705 Grand Ave., Shreveport.
SEPT. 1 - SEPT. 19: ROBINSON FILM CENTER: Sept. 1, Friday night freakout, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” Sept. 8 -14, OUTnorthLA Film Festival presented by PACE; Sept. 12 dinner movie, “Almost Famous,” 6 p.m. Sept. 19, “Dr. No,” at 10:30 a.m.; For more information, call 318-459-4122 or go to robinsonfilcenter.org. 617 Texas St., Shreveport.
SEPT. 2: CANE RIVER ZYDECO FESTIVAL: Celebrate this popular accordion-based musical genre in the oldest settlement in the Louisiana Purchase. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. For more information call 318-332-7455. www.natchitoches.com.
SEPT. 2: SUPER DERBY MARKET AT THE DOWNS: 50+ local vendors will be set up in the Red River Room on the ground floor of Louisiana Downs. Shop in the cold A/C and get easy access to the apron, where the Super Derby will take place. Food trucks, free kids’ activities and more. Free admission and parking. Louisiana Downs, Bossier City.
SEPT. 7 - NOV. 18: BROOKSHIRE GROCERY ARENA: Sept. 7, Lauren Daigle w/special guest Crowder; Sept. 16, Maxwell; Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey; Nov. 3, Katt Williams; Nov. 18, National Black Rodeo Finals. For more information, go to www.info@brooshiregroceryarena.com. 2000 Brookshire Arena Drive. Bossier City.
SEPT. 8: TWILIGHT TALKIES - “MOANA”: Bring your chairs and blankets and enjoy a movie under the stars. Local food trucks beginning at 7 p.m. Movie begins at 8 p.m. Please no dogs, smoking or tobacco products at the event. Free and open to the public. R.W. Norton Art Gallery. 4747 Creswell Ave., Shreveport.
SEPT. 8 - 9: CENTENARY BOOK BAZAAR: The 36th annual Centenary Book Bazaar will have over 80,000 items available for purchase from 4 - 9 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 8, and from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Sept. 9, at the college’s fitness center. On Sat., all items are half-price after 1 p.m. For more information, call the Book House at 318-219-3409. 2911 Centenary Blvd, Shreveport.
SEPT. 8 - 9: RED RIVER QUILTERS SHOW: 200+ quilts and quilted items on display at the Louisiana State Fair Grounds Ag Building. Silent auction quilted items and handmade items for sale with a merchant mall. Admission: $10, ages 11 through adult; $5, ages 5-10; under 5 free. Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sat., 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. For more information, www.redriverquilters.com. 3721 Hudson Ave., Shreveport.
SEPT. 9: THE BOSSIER NIGHT MARKET: Billed as the largest one-day vendor event in the USA with 200+ vendors and 12+ food trucks with fireworks. Free admission. Live music. 4 - 9 p.m. Pierre Bossier Mall.
SEPT. 9: ARL-LA-TEX GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION MONTHLY MEETING: The program is “Genealogy Show & Tell." Members and guests are invited to bring your favorite family heirloom, keepsake or memorabilia and tell us a bit about its history or significance. This event is free and open to the public. For information: Call 746-1851 or visit www.altgenealogy.com. From 1 to 3 p.m. at the Broadmoor Branch Library, 1212 Capt. Shreve Drive, Shreveport.
SEPT. 9: BUNCO BASH: The Renzi Education and Art Center will host the 14th annual high-energy event where you have the opportunity to win exciting prizes playing Bunco, bid on unique silent auction items, listen to live music, and multi-disciplinary arts programing. 6 - 10 p.m. at Bally’s Shreveport Casino and Hotel. For tickets, visit BuncoBash2023.Eventbrite.com.
SEPT. 15 - 16: MEAT PIE FESTIVAL: Looking for a road trip and food? Natchitoches hosts the Meat Pie Festival. Meat pies, music and more. Free admission. For more information, call 318-652-0578. www.natchitoches.com.
SEPT. 16: HIGHLAND JAZZ AND BLUES FESTIVAL: The 19th annual Highland Jazz and Blues Festival will be in the historic Highland neighboorhood's Columbia Park. Music and fun for everyone. Free and open to the public. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. on two stages. For more information, www.highlandjazzandblues.org.
SEPTEMBER 23-24: CATAHOULA WINE MIXER: Outdoor event celebrating wine, cuisine and music from different regions of the world, transforming Provenance Neighborhood into a worldly theme. For more information, call Matt Snyder at 318-272-3139 or www.CatahoulaWineMixer.com. 1968 Bridgewater Ave., Shreveport.
SEPT. 24 : SHREVEPORT CONVENTION CENTER EVENTS: Sept. 14, Texas Cornhole League Tournament; Sept. 22-24, Inkin Shreveport Tattoo Festival; 400 Caddo St., Shreveport.
SEPT. 28: RED HANGER EVENT: Dress for Success’s Red Hanger Event will be at Remington Hotel and Spa rooftop. Tickets are $75 for individuals and $1,000 for a table. 5:30 p.m. For more information, call 318-674-3509. 220 Travis St., Shreveport.
SEPT. 29 - 30: ANNUAL CAR SHOW: More than 400 classic cars line the streets of downtown Natchitoches. Food, live music, dancing, kids’ activities and shopping are available. Free admission. For more information, call 318-352-2746. www.natchitoches.com.
AUG. 25 - 27: “SCOTLAND ROAD”: The Bossier Parish Community College presents Titanic Supernatural Mystery “Scotland Road,” a captivating play that will leave audiences at the edge of their seats. Aug. 25 and 26 at 7:30 p.m. with additional matinee show on Aug. 27 at 2 p.m. in the Stephen W. Slaughter Theatre in Building C on the BPCC campus. 6220 East Texas St., Bossier City.
SEPT. 1-3 AND 8-10: ALWAYS PATSY CLINE: The Shreveport Little Theatre is staging the popular musical "Always, Patsy Cline," featuring 30 classic songs from the Patsy Cline Songbook. Sept. 1, 2, 8 and 9 at 7:30 p.m. and Sept. 3, 9 and 10 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $30 and available at www.shreveportlittletheatre.com or by calling SLT’s box office at 318-424-4439. 812 Margaret Place.
SEPT. 4, 5 AND 7: AUDITIONS FOR SCROOGE: A large cast is needed for this retelling of Dickens’ classic Christmas tale of Ebenezer Scrooge with music by Leslie Bricusse. Prior theatre experience helpful, but not required. The cast calls for 18 men, 12 women, 2 boys, 1 girl plus ensemble. Be prepared to sing 16-32 bars of a song which highlight your vocal ability. 6-8:30 p.m. For more information, email stagedoorman@gmail.com. Emmett Hook Center at First Methodist Church. 550 Common St., Shreveport.
SEPT. 8: ANIMANIACS IN CONCERT: The iconic animated Warner Bros. series for a “zany, animany and totally insaney” evening as they perform the world-famous songs from the beloved cartoon series backed by the original projected animation. 7 p.m. For more information or tickets, go to thestrandtheatre.com or call 318-226-8555. The Strand. 619 Louisiana Ave., Shreveport.
Climb a stairway to heaven at Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Evening Aug. 31 at the Municipal Auditorium.

Stephen D. Porter's exhibition, "A Collection of Creations," will be at the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum Sept. 7-29.

The Shreveport Little Theatre will present "Always, Patsy Cline" Sept. 1-3 and 8-10.

Jazz and Blues Festival at Columbia Park Sept. 16.

Shop for fresh produce and more at the Shreveport and Bossier City farmers' markets.
Spend "An Evening With Elvis" Aug. 24 at Sci-Port Discovery Center.

Every first Saturday of the month is "Super Exercise Saturday" at Caddo Common Park.

The Animaniacs come to life on stage Sept. 8 at The Strand Theatre.

Sci-Port brings back "GamePort," an interactive exhibit related to the video game industry.

"Line, Form, Fashion! The Art of Style" at R.W. Norton Art Gallery features poster art Aug. 31 - Nov. 19.

The Hoover Watercolor Society will present a three-day watercolor workshop Sept. 18-20 at Andress Artist and Entrepreneur Center.