San Francisco Travel described the event as a gathering of 100,000 “free-spirited adventurers” in the city’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood to dance, sing, promote peace and wear flowers in their hair.
Jake Wood with the Shreveport Aquarium is also preparing for the much-anticipated early opening of Salt, the restaurant within the aquarium coming this summer. “Salt is going to be a new American sustainable dining experience with a focus on Louisiana seafood,” Wood said.
When Dylan Roof murdered nine African-Americans at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S. C., on June 17, 2015, it reignited deep-seated feelings of blacks and civil rights activists on two fronts.
You see, removing monuments, rewriting textbooks, redacting words in literary works (such as “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”), legislating political correctness, snubbing films like “Gone with the Wind,” or even banning the display of the...
Currently, Louisiana law provides that juveniles who are 17 or older are considered to be “adults” for purposes of criminal prosecution, which means that their cases go to district court. And these juveniles go to the “adult” jail, which in Caddo Parish is Caddo Correctional Center (CCC).
Greenhouses are a valuable addition to any garden, saving time and money, providing a stable, warm environment and opportunities to extend the growing season and experiment with a wider variety of plants. Much like the garden itself, a greenhouse gives back in spades for the many hours of hard work it takes to build it.
Baseball and softball seasons are in full swing, and one of the most common injuries which I treat in these athletes is elbow pain. Baseball players are the athletes most commonly affected; elbow symptoms account for up to 97 percent of elbow complaints in pitchers.
An early detection screening program for lung cancer with low-dose CT scanning is being offered at the LSU Feist-Weiller Cancer Center. Lung cancer is the second most common cause of cancer among men and women and the most common cause of cancer death, representing about 26 percent of all cancer deaths.
• Bad breath. As we age, the tissues of the mouth produce less saliva, which is the best defense against bad breath. Older people don’t brush their teeth as well as they used to. And dentures retain odors if they aren’t replaced when they should be.