We have all heard the list of what leads to a healthy heart: eating well, exercising, avoiding smoking, maintaining a normal weight, regular visits with your health care provider, etc.
Recently, a homeless lady in our community was sitting on the sidewalk with all her belongings in the wee hours of the morning. She wasn’t trespassing, disturbing the peace or breaking any law, but a concerned citizen made a 911 call.
Most people have heard of diabetes and know that it’s a condition when blood glucose (sugar) levels are high. What many may not know is that high blood glucose can lead to damage to a lot of organs and tissues throughout the body.
As with many disease processes, we know that prevention is key. Even with dementia or cognitive decline, there are many things we can do throughout our life span, no matter when we start, that can have a positive impact on our cognitive and memory health.
Over the years, PA Day morphed into an entire week of events and articles celebrating PAs and their chosen profession. PA stands for “physician assistant” or “physician associate,” depending on where you look.