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Krewe of Atlas

 The Krewe of Atlas Going Deep theme featured royalty as a coral angelfish, green horned eel, jellyfish, clownfish, bubble anemone, octopus, tiger shark and lionfish. The tableau was held on Jan. 27 at the Shreveport Convention Center. The king and queen were from the lost kingdom of Atlatis. Dancing music was provided by SideFX. Chris Druckenmiller of Pennsylvania, the brother of King Atlas X, gave the invocation. The coronation was held last summer at Cross Lake to keep with the water theme. The krewe found its way to the lost kingdom of Atlatis when the king opened a treasure chest that revealed a diamond-jeweled hat which he presented to the captain and told him it was magic. It provided the portal through which guests traveled to reach the kingdom beneath the sea. – Mary Ann Van Osdell


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