Home / Tag: covid-19
Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021
COVID-19 has disrupted life as we know it! Since March 2020, secondguessing decisions often happen, including scheduling a routine checkup or exam, once made without hesitation. Now is the time, ladies, to push excuses and reasoning to the back burner and get that mammogram scheduled.
Monday, Aug. 23, 2021
• Just like breastfed babies have a lower risk of illness, so do breastfeeding moms. Moms who breastfeed have a lower risk of high blood pressure (hypertension), type 2 diabetes, and ovarian cancer and certain types of breast cancer.
Monday, Aug. 23, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t over. Currently in the fourth surge, COVID-19 is affecting hospitals locally, regionally and nationally. You have probably heard time and again about hospital staffing issues and extended wait times for care, as health-care professionals meet the demands of this virus head-on, all while taking care of a variety of patients.
Monday, July 26, 2021
‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring...



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