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Monday, Aug. 23, 2021
Cold weather can affect our activities and how we feel doing them. A common complaint is joint pain. Research has not been able to explain precisely why joint pain occurs with changing seasons and weather. One theory is the change in air pressure and its effects on the surrounding tissues.
Monday, Aug. 23, 2021
Governor Kathleen Blanco’s administration had two periods. There was pre-Katrina, during which she devoted herself, among other things, to creating jobs and reforming education and juvenile justice. Post-Katrina, there was nothing but recovering from Katrina and Rita.
Monday, March 8, 2021
When most of the region was shut down because of too much ice and not enough water, Bozz Baucum, the owner of Marilynn’s Place and Ralph’s Place in Shreveport, wasn’t. He was at work boiling water in his commercial crawfish rig to cook meals for teenagers at the Rutherford House.
Monday, Feb. 8, 2021
During Heart Month, Willis-Knighton Health System is offering special pricing for coronary calcium scans. The 10-minute noninvasive procedure tells your doctor if you’re at increased risk for the most common form of heart disease – coronary artery disease.
Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021
After assessing possible hazards to your property, consider measures to limit potential damage. Remove dead, diseased or damaged limbs. Inspect leaning trees and consider removing those with large cavities.
Monday, Oct. 5, 2020
The economic indicators for Q1 and Q2 of 2020 paint a vivid picture of how the coronavirus has impacted our local economy. As shutdowns, regulations and mandates were imposed in the name of public safety, many within our business community were left scratching their heads and trying to map what is to come.
Monday, Oct. 5, 2020
That was a s--- show,” CNN’s Dana Bash said. “It was a train wreck. But it was the making of one person,” NBC’s Chuck Todd said, referring to the president. And one news report after another characterized the president as “arrogant” and “un-American.”.



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