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Wednesday, June 14, 2023
There is no easy or difficult; only status quo and change. For far too long, the status quo for Caddo schools has been a managed decline of an aging and bloated footprint. Despite periodic and painful decommissioning of campuses, most recently EB Williams Stoner Hill Elementary, we’re still oversized by approximately 30%.
Monday, July 26, 2021
Critical race theory (CRT) rejects the principle of equal opportunity. Supporters of CRT contend equal opportunity is a myth, not a reality, and that those who pursue equal opportunity are terribly misguided.
Monday, May 3, 2021
We lose 1% of collagen each year, and Sculptra can help to actually reverse this. Sculptra is a good option for collagen production leading to tighter skin.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Weddings in 2020 look very different from how they used to. Today, masks are the must-have accessory, backyards are the hottest reception venue, and cocktails are served from trays (so long, open bar).



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