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Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023
“I was on the car lot, and James Burton (Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member, Grammy Award winner, Elvis’ lead guitarist) comes to look at cars. I had never met James Burton, but obviously knew he was a guitar legend.
Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020
a good bet none of the 43 previous recipients of the Omar N. Bradley “Spirit of Independence” Award did not think what retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Joseph M. Cosumano Jr. thought when told he would be receiving this year’s award at the Radiance Technologies Independence Bowl.
Monday, Nov. 2, 2020
According to an article on bankrate.com, the housing market could avoid the typical fall and winter slump this year. Experts said summer homes sales were strong after a slowdown in the spring, at the beginning of the pandemic. And they see the trend continuing.



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