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Monday, Aug. 28, 2017
More than 124,000 people in Northwest Louisiana benefi tted in 2016. For every dollar invested, United Way is able to provide $4.74 in return (ROI). More than 70 programs were funded in 2017 providing services to nearly 200,000 people.
Monday, Dec. 7, 2015

Owner promises non-traditional atmosphere at new coffee shop

Located in downtown Shreveport’s Red River District, Bon Temps is directly beneath the old Texas Street bridge.
Monday, Feb. 16, 2015
Dear Sir, As a black (or some shade in between) so-called African-American male of the only human race endorsed by Almighty God but apparently unknown to most human beings, I applaud your insightful and riveting article on the sad state of racial diversity in this great country in which we live.



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