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Monday, June 1, 2020
C & C Electric and Lighting had been at 2430 Line Ave. for years. The mom-and-pop shop was a go-to for lighting fixtures and repairs. This was still not a place to which you would go and hang out. Lingering was not what customers tended to do after purchasing.
Monday, March 28, 2016

Gardening a perennial pastime

Temperatures are rising and chances of freezing weather are almost nil, so experienced and beginning gardeners alike will soon be spending a lot more time outdoors sprucing up their yards and gardens with some of the latest and most popular landscaping trends.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Probably wanting to sit down, watch some television. But there they are, on stage, volunteering their time and preparing their bodies and voices for another night of rehearsing “Chicago,” which for the cast is the performance of a lifetime..



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