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Monday, June 28, 2021
Mayor Perkins and city department leaders of Shreveport have spent their evenings over the last month holding community meetings and listening to individual citizens express their vision for Shreveport. The sessions sought citizen input on the best use of money from the federal government to city governments after the pandemic.
Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021
And that was after the Trump tax cuts, which increased middle-class household income by $4,000 in just three years (compared to only $1,000 per household gain under Obama in eight years); and reduced unemployment to a 49-year low (compared to the highest jobless rate for any administration since the end of World War II under Obama).
Monday, Oct. 10, 2016
The ITC is the latest addition to the park, whose mission, according to CIC Executive Director Craig Spohn, is to “foster collaboration, accelerate technology transfer, and develop the necessary workforce to meet the growing cyber demands.” In order to do that, he said, the park has partnered with government, industry, research and academia.



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