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Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017
The week of Nov. 13-19 has been declared by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as Antibiotic Awareness Week. Observance of Antibiotic Awareness Week is one component of the CDC’s plan to improve the appropriate use of antibiotics within the community and health-care facilities.
Monday, April 25, 2016

How to keep it beautiful, fresh, and reduce fi ne lines

It doesn't have to be so complicated; skin care, I mean. Many professional skin-care lines have become very complex and timeconsuming, almost to the point of losing our attention. My philosophy is much simpler and proven effective with high resolution digital facial mapping.
Monday, July 20, 2015

Keeping your child ‘screen free’

not uncommon in our technological culture to see a room of people with their head down and scrolling through their latest feed of news or social media. Information access and entertainment are at the touch of a finger, and the devices in which they are available are in the hands of almost everyone.



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