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Monday, April 5, 2021
Shreveport Symphony Orchestra is turning Shreveport into Broadway this April with two concerts devoted to the voices and motifs of the Great White Way. Still dealing with Covid compromises, SSO will present both events online and one of them optionally in person.
Monday, March 22, 2021
First things first: Determine exactly why you need to rethink your honeymoon plans. Is it because of a family emergency or illness? Or is it because of a “force majeure,” like a hurricane or snowstorm? This distinction is important because it will determine what’s covered by cancelation policies or your travel insurance.
Monday, March 22, 2021
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to jam your foot down on the accelerator and not worry about a police officer with a radar gun. If you’ve secretly held a dream of speeding around a carousel or slicing through a chicane.
Monday, March 8, 2021
confined to a nursing facility can have a very difficult time seeing the dentist, but it’s more important than ever, according to Dr. Hermes. “They really need to be seen more often than less often, even though that’s usually more difficult for them. We like to see those people every four months rather than twice a year.
Monday, Jan. 25, 2021
Moisturizers are the first line of defense against winter itch. It seems so basic, but applying moisturizer twice daily is the best way to replenish your skin’s moisture. Evidence shows that externally applied creams are more effective at hydrating the skin than drinking lots of water.
Monday, Jan. 25, 2021
Completed in 1985, the Evans and Evans design was always evocative of the storied sailing ships of pre-20th century. For years, passengers migrated there to make their connections with city buses headed out on routes across Shreveport and Bossier City.
Monday, Dec. 14, 2020
There are always motivations to do what is wrong in order to gain something. Maybe it’s lying on a resumé to get a job or taking something from someone that doesn’t belong to you just because you wanted it (or needed it).
Monday, Dec. 14, 2020
It’s been a rough 2020 for Chase Boytim. Like other bar owners in Louisiana, he has had a grim time in this year of Covid. Some have hunkered down, some have decided to close up shop altogether, but Boytim has done neither. In fact, he decided to expand.



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