Home / Articles / By Kent Dean, PhD, LAC
Monday, May 20, 2019
It’s important to remember that the parents set the tone of the home and that they need to be alert to changes such as those described by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. These signs include heightened secrecy, difficulty keeping focus, withdrawing from classroom participation, resistance to discipline or.
Men's & Women's Health
Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018
Philosopher George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” People in families affected by addictive disorders and the attendant stress find themselves in a downward spiral of makeshift coping with impossible situations.
Men's & Women's Health
Monday, Feb. 26, 2018
Social drinking has progressed from being seen by some as simply a sinful activity to our current understanding of chemical addiction as a treatable disorder. It’s been a long road, but we can say that the outlook for people with addiction is far improved over what it was even a decade ago.

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