Boutique and Brunch

Opera Guild shopping event kicks off season of giving
The Shreveport Opera Guild hosts Les Boutique de Noel on Nov. 19-21 at the Bossier Civic Center.
Les Boutique de Noel is “Bringing You Christmas Cheer” in November to kick off the holiday shopping season.
Les Boutiques de Noel will be held Nov. 19-21 at the Bossier Civic Center.
Kathy Ross, Les Boutiques de Noel chairman and decorations chairman, is excited about the list of vendors available at this year’s event. “With over 100 merchants, we will officially be kicking off holiday shopping in the area,” Ross said.
Les Boutiques de Noel, in its 41st year, is sponsored by the Shreveport Bossier Opera Guild. This shopping extravaganza first began as a means to raise the necessary funds to support the Shreveport Opera.
“The monies raised will be used by the opera to continue to bring quality performances and to continue the important musical education to over 45,000 students in North Louisiana,” Ross said. “This is the primary reason you will see so many previous chairmen and life time members volunteer and participate every year to create this wonderful event.”
Ross, who decorated for the event the past four years, said she can’t wait for the community to see the unique festivities.
“Everyone looks forward to Christmas cards in the mail and gifts from relatives who may not be able to gather during the holidays,” Ross said. “So this year at the Boutiques, the postal service will entrust winter red birds to deliver the mail. Terri Matthews with Gumbeaux Productions has assisted me in creating a holiday atmosphere that will delight those attending and put everyone in a shopping mood!” An especially fun event this year at the Boutiques is the appearance of Santa Bob and Mrs. Beth Claus, sponsored by Silmon and Cosse Orthodontist.
Santa will be in attendance noon to 3 p.m. Nov. 21. “We invite all little ones and those grown-ups like me who believe in the spirit of Santa to come,” Ross said.
Southern Fork Catering led by Jason Brady will present a Farm to Table breakfast brunch Nov. 19.
Tickets are available for $50 per person. “With this ticket you will also enjoy a coffee bar provided by Rhino Coffee, ‘holiday cheer’ by Thrifty Liquor and – to satisfy that sweet tooth – Buttercups’ chocolate and gingerbread cupcakes will be offered,” Ross said. “During the hours of 9 a.m. to noon those holding a preview brunch ticket will be afforded a morning of private shopping.”
Ross always enjoys the Boutiques, but this year is most looking forward to a special new project with her daughter, Lauren.
“Lauren and I are the creators of Sweet Tee Shreveport T-shirts,” Ross said. “This will be our first holiday market. We’re thrilled to sell our nostalgic Shreveport and Bossier City T-shirts, and we’ll be debuting a brand new design during the Boutiques.”
Familiar merchant favorites will be in attendance this year, such as Kathy Tobler returning with her hard to find silver pieces. “Kathy has a big following,” Ross said. “Shoppers will stop at her booth to pick up that elusive serving piece in their pattern and usually leave with more pieces than they planned!” “If you’re looking to add to your home holiday décor, a must-see is the popular MilandDil booth,” Ross said. “Terri Marshall creates the most exquisite holiday wreaths and tabletop arrangements. Just to see her booth is a delight.”
Ross said Boutique will feature several new merchants. “Nader’s Gallery will debut as a new vendor. Everyone is familiar with their framing and home interior shop, but they also carry beautiful gifts and custom candles who carry the name of one of their owners, Edward Nader. Also new this year is one of my favorite local shops, Ivy and Stone from Bossier City. Look for their sophisticated decorated booth.”
After shopping, guests can stop by the Sweet Shop sponsored by United Tile and Kitchen Design Center for a cup of coffee and a treat.
–Betsy St. Amant
want to go?
Daily admission is: $10 per day, $5 seniors, $5 military, children younger than 12 get in free. Brunch is $50. Hours are noon to 5 p.m. Nov. 19, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Nov. 20 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 21. Look for Les Boutiques de Noel on Facebook, or go to www.lesboutiquesdenoel. com/. Purchase brunch tickets on the Shreveport Opera website or by calling Kathy Ross at 393-2164.