the forum TOP BUSINESSES of the year

BNB Systems 9205 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA 71115 (318) 795-2300
Dedicated employees and loyal customers help a long-time area company land on its feet during uncertain times.
In business for more than 40 years and with offices in Shreveport and Arkansas, BNB Systems offers experience and personalized customer service to customers in the areas of digital printing, direct mail, statement processing, graphics, promotional products and warehouse distribution.
“What we did and exceeded at was we bought product for customers and sold that product back to the customer, but we gave them the flexibility to order smaller quantities and pull it from our warehouse – from volume they had previously ordered,” said BNB Systems president John Meldrum. “We refer to that as forms management.”
For example, a bank, hospital or manufacturing facility could order a year’s supply of forms that they might not have room to store. BNB Systems will store it and deliver it to the business as needed. Meldrum said this provides many advantages – BNB handles the inventory management, delivers it back to them free of charge, and stores the surplus.
Meldrum says the company has had to adapt to evolving electronic media through the years. Many customers, such as hospitals, now ask clients to enter information on an iPad, rather than a form. “It really changed our business drastically,” he said.
Now, in addition to traditional print jobs, the company produces promotional products such as company logos on T-shirts, koozies or cups. Meldrum says BNB Systems is a different business today. “We’re a smaller company; we’re focused in a different direction.”
Meldrum cites long-term employees and customers for the company’s continued success. Their loyalty was tested about 20 years ago after the company was purchased by a publicly traded entity, and then later sold again. The second buyer went bankrupt.
Meldrum, who had stayed on as a manager, said they were able to buy the company out of bankruptcy in a matter of weeks. “We could not have done that without our salespeople and our internal people, but also the wonderful customers that were very loyal to us and stuck with us,” he said. “You don’t survive something like that without having great employees and great customers.”
– Melissa Airhart