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Monday, Aug. 13, 2018


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Colon hydrotherapy can help your gut health

It’s not a pleasant question, but one that Kimerea Williams says we should ask ourselves.

“Do you feel like everything you eat every day is evacuated within a 24-hour time span?” If the answer is “No,” then your body may not be cleansing your colon as often as it should. That can lead to a buildup of a variety of things that could eventually cause you to become sick.

And that’s where colon hydrotherapy comes in.

Williams is the owner of the recently opened Heavenly Whole Colonic Therapy at 460 Ashley Ridge, Suite 400, in Shreveport. She is certified by the Internal Association for Colon Hydrotherapy and believes strongly in living a healthy lifestyle – including having a healthy colon.

“Our gut health is the center of our overall vitality,” Williams said. “It’s like a second brain. Our gut sends neurotransmitters to our brain to basically tell us what our body is doing. Gut health tells a story.”

Williams knows the story of many Louisianans when it comes to health. A Huntington High School and LSU-Shreveport graduate, Williams sees the shape – literally – our state is in. That’s why she is so passionate about what she does.

“My community inspired me,” Williams said. “Louisiana is definitely low on the totem pole when you look at the vitality of our state with obesity and diabetes. We are on the decline healthwise.”

Colon hydrotherapy is a way of removing waste from your large intestine without using drugs. Williams uses the Angel of Water system, approved by the Federal Drug Administration. Warm, filtered, gravity-fed water is introduced into the colon. That causes waste to be softened and loosened, which prompts natural evacuation.

Williams explains the process this way: “The introduction of purified water in the large intestine for evacuation of yeast, fat, bacteria, infection, viruses – anything that is on the walls of the colon that is created by fecal matter or toxins that our body holds – not just from days, weeks or months, but years.”

A chemistry major in college, Williams says there isn’t a specific demographic that benefits from colon hydrotherapy. Williams has patients as young as teenagers (who, if under 17, need parental consent), and as old as 90 years. Some are healthy – some are not.

“This is no intent to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease,” Williams said. “It’s like being proactive versus reactive.”

The day before and the day of your session, Williams recommends you drink as much water as possible, but don’t overcompensate. She suggests eating a meal four hours before your session, but don’t have any food or beverages in the two hours before your appointment.

Williams is encouraged by the fact that in her first month of business, she has had 67 clients. However, she knows colon hydrotherapy may not appeal to everyone. Williams explains the person who is likely to be a client will “want to try a holistic approach to this versus OTC (over-the-counter medicine) that gives temporary release and wants to try this to stimulate the natural peristalsis so they can do it naturally.”

Taking medicine, for any reason, can become routine. However, Williams reminds us that our body is supposed to function without being dependent on medicine. In other words, “natural” is best.

“Once we get used to such things we’re drinking, like magnesium citrate, every week, then we know there’s an issue. You’re not supposed to have to do that to stimulate. Every part of your body is supposed to act naturally in its own way. It’s supposed to have its job.”

Pricing for colon hydrotherapy at Heavenly Whole Colonic Therapy ranges from $95 for one session to a 12-session plan for $900.

But Williams is about more than administrating the procedure for colon hydrotherapy. She wants to educate her clients on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

“This is not a quick fix,” Williams said. “It’s therapy. I’m promoting health by doing the right things and not leaving here and going to eat a hamburger. It’s getting people on a healthier lifestyle by taking their probiotics, drinking alkaline water and eating the right foods.”

Williams believes firmly in the old saying, “We are what we eat.” That, alone, may be a reason for you to consider colon hydrotherapy.

For more information on Heavenly Whole Colonic Therapy, you may visit www.hwcolonic.com.

– Tony Taglavore


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