Accidental Piano Man

Biographical play hits all of the right notes
This holiday season, a one-man piano show offers fun for the whole family. “Wrong Note Right: The Story of an Accidental Piano Man” will be held Dec. 13-16 at the East Bank Theatre in Bossier City.
“I can safely say the first thing attendees should expect is to laugh – a lot,” Winston Hall, piano man, said. “I started my professional piano career at a Chinese restaurant in West Texas when I was 18 years old, and from there, things only got funnier.”
“Overall, this play has a hopeful, universal message that attendees can apply to their own life,” Hall said. “I hope that’s what they leave the play with in their hearts – hope. The journey to where I am now was long and difficult, but, because of that, the reward was greater. We live in an age where everything has to happen fast, so it’s a message I feel the whole world needs to hear – that the best things really do take time and patience and perseverance.”
Hall and his wife, Donna, named the play “Wrong Note Right: The Story of an Accidental Piano Man” because Hall was a horrible piano student in grade school. It wasn’t something he ever seriously considered as a career until he was already doing it. “In my 20s, being a piano man was something I was going to do until I found a ‘real job,’” Hall said. “Then Donna pointed out one day that when you’re playing music 280 nights a year, it is a real job. Once I let go of the idea that I had to be an accountant or an insurance salesman to be taken seriously, my career as a piano man really took off. I finally embraced my own identity, which on a greater note, is where true happiness is found.”
“This show is such a fun, entertaining evening and everyone who attends leaves feeling better than when they came in,” Donna said. “Winston pours his whole heart and soul into this show, and you feel it from beginning to end. It’s a high-energy event, and the stories are hilarious and entertaining!” But it’s more than just a good time – it’s truly an emotional experience. “There are parts that will definitely bring a tear to your eye,” Donna said. “Anyone looking for an uplifting and positive message, especially during the holiday season, should come see this show!” Donna is Hall’s biggest fan and supporter – not to mention his behind-the-scenes guru who handles the management and organization side of the show. “Donna makes my career possible. When it came to this play, she co-wrote it, produced it and directed it! I call her Mrs. Everything because while I’m on stage getting the attention, she is doing literally everything else,” Hall said. “Donna had a successful career as a costumer in the film industry and worked on hundreds of movies, including her work on three Academy Award-winning films. When it comes to the pressure of the entertainment industry, she has immense experience. She applied that knowledge and expertise to the development and production of this play, and it shows in the final product.”
The teamwork put into the show is what makes it a success. “Together, we made this show something amazing.” Donna said. “When I’m watching Winston from the wings, I am so proud of the awesome entertainer that he is. My wish is for people all over the state and beyond to see this show. Our world needs more positive and uplifting messages right now, and we are so excited and proud to bring this show to the stage again in Shreveport- Bossier.”
Hall is often asked his favorite song – and the answer might surprise you. “My favorite song is when I play the perfect song for the perfect moment. If it’s a couple that’s been married for 50 years and I play the song they danced to at their wedding 50 years earlier, that’s my favorite song,” Hall said. “If I play a song that brings back a cherished memory from someone that’s now gone, that’s my favorite song. Or if I play a song that gets everyone up and dancing and loving life, that’s my favorite song!” Hall has also discovered the power of music over the years in his volunteer work with Alzheimer’s patients. “I’ve seen borderline miracles happen with people who don’t know where they are and what their own name is, but they can remember songs,” Hall said. “It’s humbling and inspiring and has affirmed my belief that there’s a magic in music that we don’t really understand.”
Hall enjoys bringing that magic to the stage – and it shows. “If you are looking for a great time, come out and see ‘Wrong Note Right: The Story of an Accidental Piano Man,’” Donna said.
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– Betsy St. Amant Haddox