Communications Liaison

Mayor-elect announces transition team advisory board
Mayor-elect Adrian Perkins has announced the creation of his transition management organization, “Future of Shreveport.”
A 14-member advisory board comprised of individuals from diverse backgrounds will provide their experience and expertise as Mr. Perkins prepares strategies and policies designed to advance the “Future of Shreveport” mission.
The transition advisory board iscochaired by Anthony “Tony” Williams, CEO of Global Resource Solutions Inc., and Graham Walker, president and chief executive officer of Fibrebond.
In addition to advising the mayorelect before taking office, the board will oversee the development of a transition report, planned for release in early 2019. This report will reflect the charge of its committees and the overall vision of the mayor-elect. It will include actionable policy recommendations and strategies the mayor-elect can implement in his first term.
“It is important that this administration starts with a strong foundation,” said Perkins. “I have assembled this team so we can enter office prepared, ready to get to work on day one. I want to start on the right foot and leave behind a solid transition blueprint for future administrations.”
The Mayor-elect’s Transition Advisory Board consists of:
• Dr. Ray Belton, president of Southern University System
• Lt. General Robert Caslen, former superintendent of United States Military Academy, U.S. Army (Ret.)
• Lt. Gen. Bob Elder, research professor at George Mason University, USAF (Ret.)
• Professor Gerald Frug, Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law at Harvard Law School
• Rachel Lawler, owner, Rachel & Co. Realty
• Kay Medlin, attorney
• Elliot Rogers, senior vice president of logistics at Ulta Beauty
• Dr. Navdeep Samra, professor and program director in the Department of General Surgery at LSU Health Shreveport
• Tangela Silvie, principal, Cherokee Park Elementary School
• Shante Wells, attorney
• Dr. Cheryl White, associate professor of history at Louisiana State University at Shreveport
• Joshua Williams, attorney The transition committees will start work in January.