Mastering Fall Food Prep with Weight Loss Twist
Cooler temps, pumpkin candles and ... comfort food! OK, I may be exaggerating a bit (I am almost positive it will be 90 degrees when you are reading this), but I am sharing with you all today my favorite fall food prep tips that will have you reaching for the best without killing your time (or waistline). I like to call it “Mastering Fall Food Prep with a Weight Loss Twist.”
Water. It is no secret we need to drink water for health and weight loss. The problem? Cooler temperatures tend to have us reaching for coffee or tea instead of water. How can we get our recommended water amounts of 72-100 ounces without tracking? Before I spill the secret, know that water is crazy important for weight loss. Remember, water helps fiber (which you will read about in a second) expand to keep you fuller longer (so you won’t be reaching for candy corn). Now back to the question of how to get water in. Drink 16- 24 ounces of water with your meals and 16- 24 ounces on your drive home from work. Why? Hello, expansion of fiber, plus this trick will help you get your water out of the way. In addition, add hot lemon water in the morning before your coffee. I could write an entire article on the benefits of hot lemon water in the morning, but the Cliff’s Notes version is it helps with digestion and gives us a little immune boost.
Fiber. Ah, the weight loss winner! If you know me (and yes, do meet me – type my name in Google and click on my YouTube page), you know I love fiber for weight loss. Fiber expands in the stomach to keep us fuller longer. Problem? Well, we have a few. Many fiber-rich foods can be loaded with gluten (eeks – a whole other article), and some high-fiber products, let me be honest, taste like a straw basket. I push for at least 25 grams of fiber a day (often higher, but I don’t have your medical history in front of me, so start with 25 or higher; many of my patients are at 35 grams of fiber or higher).
Fiber in fall can be a slight challenge. While we love salads in the summer, salads in the fall and winter months can be a little lackluster (not out of meanness, it’s just that many of our fresh veggies and fruits are in season in the spring and summer). What to do? Make sure each meal has a fiber source and take advantage of new high-fiber products along with the fall seasonal vegetables.
New fiber-rich, gluten-free products that I love are the Carbonaut brand bread and bagels (please note, I work for none of these companies; it would be fabulous if I did, but sadly I don’t), Ella’s Flat Crackers and Fat Snax Cracker. While you can find these everywhere, you know the cheapest spot in town is Drug Emporium.
What about fall vegetables? Turnips and radishes taste amazing, but many of us shy away from these fabulous veggies. I love to roast these items or throw them in my air fryer (psst – head on over to my YouTube, Shelly Marie Redmond, for lots of recipes). Another thought? Roast or air-fry frozen vegetables. The key is do not thaw the frozen vegetables. Simple place in your pan (or air fryer), toss with olive oil, sprinkle with Redmond Real Salt (a great mineral salt) and cook. Timing-wise, the correct time is often on your frozen vegetable bags, but a quick Google search will land you a chart you can print out for your fridge.
Protein. This is where we get my biggest fall secret: the slow cooker! While I leave my slow cooker on the counter the entire year (all of my patients know this), the slow cooker really shines in the fall. Nothing is better than coming home to a slow-cooked meal. My second cookbook is devoted to the slow cooker, and cooking our protein sources (except seafood – put that in the air fryer.) is a simple way to have a delicious fall meal. Pull out that slow cooker and try this super simple recipe.
Low Carb Pulled Pork
1 2-3 lb. pork loin.
1 can Diet Zevia Root Beer (made with Stevia).
½ bottle of G Hughes BBQ Sauce or Kevin’s BBQ Sauce (anti-inflammatory).
• Combine all items in the slow cooker.
• Cook on low for 6 hours.
• Serve with low-carb wraps, Carbonaut Brand Bread (gluten-free) or over cauliflower rice.
What now? See what is in your pantry and refrigerator, make a list and hit the store for easy fall food prep!
Shelly Marie Redmond, MS, RD, LDN, is a registered dietitian focusing on the low-carb lifestyle for weight loss and hormone balance. She specializes in converting your favorite recipes to lowcarb yuminess. You can reach her at 318.222.7442 or shelly@skinnylouisiana.com.