New Downtown Apartments

Tour of historic building set for May 3
A few weeks ago, we inadvertently managed to break the Internet with a posting of a cool new apartment space downtown.
Developer Jason Cram has created three beautiful apartments on the second floor of a historic building in the 400 block of Crockett Street. It took a keen eye to recognize what the homely, poorly-maintained buildings could become, and the “before” and “after” will amaze you.
On Wednesday, May 3, at 6:15 p.m., we will gather downstairs at 427 Crockett to hear a little history on the buildings and some stories about the construction project in a fun session we call “History in 5.”
Afterward, we will go up the stairs to the apartments. We think you will fall in love with what you see. The one thing to remember is that you can scratch your historic apartment itch downtown. We have multiple options for living, or you may want to buy a building and try your hand at creating some spaces yourself. We can help with that, too.
The tour is free and part of the Downtown Shreveport Artwalk, which is also free. We encourage you to come for the tour but stay for the Artwalk.
Liz Swaine is the executive director of the Downtown Development Authority. She can be reached at