318 TALK

THROUGH NOV. 13: “NATCHITOCHES ARTIST - CHANGING LANDSCAPES”: The exhibit features large-scale acrylics, oils and photography by artists William Beier, Massimo Bezoari and Anna Tapia MacDonald in the West Wing Gallery at the Louisiana State Exhibit Museum. For more information, go to www.llaexhibitmuseum.org or call 318-632-2020. 3015 Greenwood Road, Shreveport.
THROUGH NOV. 18: "HOODOOS": Mark Charleville’s works will be on display at the Bossier Arts Lower Gallery. Mark is a Louisiana-based painter whose focus is on the life, folklore and mysteries of the South. He will also host two screenings of “Hoodoos in the Woods.” 630 Barksdale Blvd, Bossier City.
THROUGH NOV. 18: “THE THEATRE OF THE MIND”: Artists who were encouraged to give peeks into their thoughts and creative process: “How do you ‘make’?” Or “How do you ‘wonder’?” Whatever it looks like, let it be shown scene-by-scene for the world to see. Art work cost $100. For form and more information, contact the Bossier Arts Council at 318-741-8310 or www.bossierarts.org.
THROUGH NOV. 19: LINE, FORM, FASHION! THE ART OF STYLE: This exhibition features 40+ works of fine and poster art ranging from Jane Atché and René Gruau to Michel Canetti and Christian Dior. In addition to these pieces from the museum’s permanent collection, five Shreveport professional photographers have been asked to create work inspired by this exhibition to be displayed alongside the museum’s artwork. Free and open to the public. R.W. Norton Art Gallery. 4747 Creswell Ave., Shreveport.
THROUGH DEC. 2: FALL EXHIBITION AT THE MEADOWS: Two exhibitions – “Visual Gumbo” by Terry Konrath; “From Now on We’re StarDust” by Jude Williams ’26 – will open to the public until Dec. 2. “Simulacrum” by Jessica Hawkins through Dec. 2. Two additional exhibitions – “Chasing the Tiger: A Commentary on Colonial Fantasy,” curated by Ben Vazquez ’24 and Emerson Horne ’24, and “Nature’s Wonders” by the Shreveport Art Club – will run through Dec. 2. For more information, visit themeadowsmuseum.com. 2911 Centenary Blvd., Shreveport.
THROUGH JAN. 1: PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION: Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Ellis Lucia and award-winning photographer Bevil Knapp will be at SAS Galleries. Opening reception from 5-8 p.m. Oct. 30 at Louisiana Boardwalk, Store 605, Bossier City.
NOV. 4: ART IN THE PARK: A public event by Caddo Parish Parks and Recreation and the Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park from 12 - 4 p.m. Follow on Facebook, Art in the Park.
2JOHNS STEAK & SEAFOOD: Live music. Tuesday-Saturday, and for Friday lunch from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.; featuring local artists such as Winston Hall, Shawn Stroope, Drew Ley and Toni Mundy, The Lovers, Jimmy Wooton and Haley Brooke. Call for weekly schedule. 2151 Airline Drive, Bossier City. 318-841-5646.
1931 LOUNGE HORSESHOE CASINO: Live music 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. Karaoke on Thursdays, 7-11 p.m.; Horseshoe Blvd., Bossier City.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 14: Live music every Friday night 7-10 p.m. $5 cover. Every Sunday is trivia/karaoke starting at 5 p.m.; 5315 S. Lakeshore Drive, Shreveport. 318 635-8186.
BAYOU THUNDER: Live music. 1910 Market St., Shreveport. 318-848-7732.
BEAUXJAX CRAFTHOUSE: Live music. 501 Barksdale Blvd, Bossier City. 318-584-7169.
CELEBRITY LOUNGE BALLY’S CASINO: DJs Friday and Saturday nights. 451 Clyde Fant Pkwy., Shreveport.
CHIANTI: Dorsey Summerfield Jr., 7-10 p.m., Friday and Saturday in the Green Room. 6535 Line Ave., Shreveport. 868-8866.
ERNEST’S ORLEANS: Live music. Every Tuesday, big burgers, big blues and big times with Betty Lewis, 6-9 p.m.; 1601 N. Spring St., Shreveport. 318-226-1325.
FLAMES MEDITERRANEAN RESTAURANT: Live music 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.; 436 Ashley Ridge Blvd, Shreveport. 318-606-5380.
FRANK’S PIZZA: Live music from 6-9 p.m.: Nov. 18, Shayliff, The Good News, Mae Graf, Seth Bradford, Chris Gates celebrating 10 years. 6950 Fern Ave., Shreveport. 318-230-7130.
FROZEN PIROGUE: Live music 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.; Nov. 1, Aidan Johnston; Nov. 8, Hali Brown; Nov. 21, Clara McBroom; Nov. 22, Jimmy Wooten; Nov. 28, Braydon Watts; Nov. 29, Seth Bradford; 515 Barksdale Blvd., Bossier City. 318-459-6672.
HURRICANE ALLEY: Live music. Nov. 2, 8-Track; Nov. 3, Trent Cowie w/Cottonwood Crows; Nov. 9, Old School; Nov. 11, Noise Pollution The AC/DC Experience; Nov. 25, Colton Haglar w/Sadie Lee; 500 Ogilvie St., Bossier City.
NOBLE SAVAGE Live music. Every Wednesday night playing memories and the blues, 8 p.m.; 417 Texas St., Shreveport. 318-828-2619.
SAM’S TOWN CASINO: Live music from 7 p.m. - midnight; 315 Clyde Fant Pkwy., Shreveport. 318-424-7777.
SUPERIOR’S STEAKHOUSE: Live piano music: Tues., Brian Watson, 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Wed., Alan Dyson, 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Thurs., Stan Hoffman, 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Fri., Brian Watson & Avery Covington, 6-10 p.m.; Sat., Daniel Ley Duo, 7-11 p.m.; Sun., Victoria Wells, 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; 855 Pierremont Road, No. 120, Shreveport. 318-219-4123.
THE CUB LOUNGE AND GRILLE: Live music. 3002 Girard St., Shreveport. 318-861-6517.
THE MARKET RESTAURANT: Live music. 10539 Norris Ferry Rd., Shreveport. 318-797-4375.
THE SEVENTH TAP BREWING PROJECT: Live music from 6-9 p.m. 2640 Linwood Ave., Shreveport, La. 318-754-4471.
TIKI BAR AND GRILL: Live music from 6-9 p.m. 2640 Linwood Ave., Shreveport, La. 318-754-4471.
TWISTED ROOT: Monday night is Trivia Night from 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays, live music on the patio from 6-10 p.m., Buddy Flett. 8690 Line Ave., Shreveport. 868-6410.
WHAT’S ON TAP: Live music. Every Thurs., Christopher Gates, 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.; 1207 Shreveport-Barksdale Hwy., Shreveport. 318-869-2422.
NOV. 3 - DEC. 15: LOUISIANA GRANDSTAND: A night of music live on stage: Nov. 3, Bart Crow. Nov. 5, Mo Pitney; Nov. 7, Parker Millsap; Nov. 10, The Steel Woods; Dec. 15, Dan Smalley “A Country Christmas to Remember.” Tickets may be purchased at www.louisianagrandstand.com. WDC, 802 Margaret Place, Shreveport.
NOV. 3 - 5: MY WAY: A TRIBUTE TO THE MUSIC OF FRANK SINATRA: The Shreveport Little Theatre is paying tribute to Frank Sinatra with over 55 of his songs. Nov. 3 and 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 5 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $30 at www.shreveportlittletheatre.com or call SLT’s box office at 318-424-4439. 812 Margaret Place, Shreveport.
NOV. 4 AND 5: ”RHAPSODY IN VIEW”: The Downtown Shreveport Lions Club presents the Centenary Choir in “Rhapsody In View.” This 75th annual event will be at 7 p.m. Saturday night program and the 3 p.m. Sunday program. Tickets are $15 in advance and $17 at the door; students are $10 and purchased from Centenary Choir members, Downtown Shreveport Lions members, at Hurey School of Music on the Centenary campus at 318-869-5235, or all Porter Cleaners locations or just call 318-429-6887. The First Baptist Church, Shreveport at 543 Ockley Drive.
NOV. 9: VETERAN’S DAY CONCERT: The First Baptist Church in Shreveport to host a recognition of our community veterans and their service to our nation. Free and open to the public. 6 p.m. 543 Ockley Drive, Shreveport.
EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH: GLOFESTS: The Shreveport Regional Arts Council (SRAC) is thrilled to announce the debut of its monthly GloFest on the “Bakowski Bridge of Lights” on Texas Street Bridge. Free festival. Features new animated light shows on the bridge produced by the Light It Up Artist Team and Caddo Parish Schools. 7-10 p.m. Art market, food truck court, street performances and more.
EVERY THURSDAYS - NOVEMBER 16 : THIRSTY THURSDAYS: The Shreveport Regional Arts Council presents “Thirsty Thursdays” at Caddo Common Park. PoeticX “anchors” live entertainment shows. Chase Boytim anchors the bar with themed speciality cocktails for each event. Live entertainment. 6-9 p.m. For more information, call 318-673-6500 or www.shrevearts.org. 869 Texas Ave., Shreveport.
FIRST SATURDAY OF MONTH: SUPER SATURDAYS AT CADDO COMMON PARK: An invigorating free exercise session led by experienced trainers. Participants can join in on five different exercises, including yoga, trampoline exercises, high-impact workouts and more. Also, an enchanting arts market showcasing the work of local artists, and vendors will showcase and sell their creations. 869 Texas Ave., Shreveport.
MONDAYS - THURSDAYS: BOSSIER COUNCIL ON AGING: Bossier’s Council on Aging offers activities for the week. Mondays: paint by number canvas art and yoga. Tuesdays: chair exercise and beanbag baseball. Wednesdays: senior game and yoga. Thursdays: chair exercise and Bingo. For more information, call 318-741-8302. 706 Bearkat Drive, Bossier City.
MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS: SHREVEPORT OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: Hybrid meetings: Zoom and in-person at St. Luke’s Methodist Church, 6012 Youree Drive, Shreveport. Meet in the “Seekers Room.” Monday at 7 p.m. Meeting ID: 408 929 232 Password: 385284. Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Meeting ID: 492 444 818. Password 797919.
ALZHEIMER’S AND DEMENTIA RESOURCE CENTER: Monthly educational mini-workshops for caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Local experts present topics related to Alzheimer’s and dementia in a one-hour session. First Wednesday 11 a.m. - noon at The Resource Center, 851 Olive St., Shreveport. First Saturday at 11 a.m. at Broadmoor Presbyterian Church, 1915 Grover Place, Shreveport.
ONGOING: GLASS-BLOWING WORKSHOPS. Come individually, or bring a group and create your own original piece of art. From pumpkins to flowers and beyond, the experience is a good time with a dazzling reward at the end. Hours: Thurs., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, noon to 5 p.m.; Sat., 11 a.m.- 8 p.m.; and Sunday, noon-6 p.m. Sanctuary Glass Studio, 421 Lake St., Shreveport. studio-sanctuaryglassstudio.com.
EVERY SATURDAY THROUGH NOVEMBER 25: BOSSIER CITY FARMERS’ MARKET: Support your local community, and invite your friends and family to the market and do some shopping. The market has a wealth of local fresh veggies and fruits, food trucks, jams, salsa, honey, soap, candles, baked goods, jellies, pickles, tamales, flowers, kettle corn, barbecue, lemonade, southern cuisine, fruit smoothies, coffee, Venezuelan cuisine, funnel cakes and much more. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the south parking lot of Pierre Bossier Mall. Visit www.BossierCityFarmersMarket.com. 2950 E. Texas St., Bossier City.
EVERY SATURDAY THROUGH DEC. 16: EXERCISE IN CADDO COMMON PARK: Beginning at 8 and ending at 11 a.m., SRAC hosts this three-tiered program. Every first Saturday of the month is “Super Exercise Saturdays,” which includes three food trucks, hands-on activity, Plein Aire/live painting, arts market, five exercise programs to include a program for children and “Stories from the Gut.” For more information, call 318-673-6500 or www.shrevearts.org. 869 Texas Ave., Shreveport.
SECOND SATURDAYS: ANDRESS ARTIST & ENTREPRENEUR CENTER: Shop and chat with the artists of the AAEC on the second Saturday of each month from 12-4 p.m. at Andress Artist & Entrepreneur Center, 717 Crockett St., Shreveport. https://www.aaec.space/aaecevents.
EVERY WEEKEND: GLASSBLOWING WORKSHOPS: High Gravity Glassworks workshops allow you to participate in the making of a work of art. Book now at https://highgravityglassworks.com. For more information, call 318-582-1424. 1200 Marshall St., Ste. 500, Shreveport.
NOV. 1: GINGERBREAD HOUSE: The Partners In Prevention 2023 Luncheon’s guest speaker will be Kara Robinson Chamberlain, kidnapping and assault survivor. Kara’s story has been told by the Oxygen Network and Lifetime. 12 noon - 1:30 p.m. Tickets: $125 per person / $1,500 table for 10. For more information on tickets or sponsorships, call 318-674-2900 or www.gingerbreadhousecac.org. Sam’s Town Hotel and Casino.
NOV. 1: DOWNTOWN ARTWALK: A stroll down Texas Street with multiple art stops, food, music and history. Free and appropriate for all ages. 5 - 8 p.m. For more information, www.downtownshreveport.com/artwalk.
NOV. 1 - DEC. 16: SRAC EVENTS: Nov. 1, Downtown Artwork; Nov. 2, AirHeart & The Lovers Hippie Day in Caddo Common Park; Nov. 3, Glo Fest at Riverview Plaza; Nov. 4, Exercise in the Park; Nov. 10, Sno Glo Exhibition opening at artspace.; Nov. 11, Exercise in the Park; Nov. 18, Exercise in the Park; Nov. 19, Hoot! Hops! Hoops! In Caddo Common Park; Nov. 24, Rockets Over The Red; Nov. 25, Small Business Saturday; Dec. 2, Exercise In Caddo Common Park; Dec. 6, Downtown Artwork and Sno Glo Cookie Contest; Dec. 9, Exercise in the Park; Dec. 16, Exercise in the Park and a Merry TUBA Christmas in Caddo Common Park.
NOV. 1, 4 & 8: LSUS BASKETBALL: Nov. 1, Men’s and Women’s Basketball at Centenary, 5:30 p.m./7:30 p.m.; Women’s Basketball plays at home vs. Dillard, Nov. 4 at 4 p.m.; Men’s Basketball plays at home vs John Melvin, Nov. 8 at 11 a.m.
NOV. 2 - DEC. 7: MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM EVENTS: Nov. 2, Buddy Guy - The Legend - Damn Right Farewell; Nov. 4, Keeping It Country Live & Sons of AMVETS Veteran Tribute; Nov. 10, Disney Junior Live: Costume Palooza; Dec. 7, This is Jesus: A Christmas Worship Concert; 705 Grand Ave., Shreveport.
NOV. 2: ATHENA LEADERSHIP AWARDS LUNCHEON: The ATHENA International Leadership Award is presented to an individual who demonstrates the qualities embodied in the ATHENA Leadership Model by the Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce. The 33rd award luncheon will be from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at Sam’s Town Hotel & Casino. 315 Clyde Fant Pkwy. Shreveport.
NOV. 2 - DEC. 9: CENTENARY EVENTS: Nov. 2, Alumni Awards Banquet at 6 p.m. in the Whited Room in Bynum Commons; Nov. 3, Forward 5 Luncheon honoring young alumni, 11 a.m. register at centenary.edu/homecoming. Nov. 6, Artists talk by Prof. Jessica Hawkins, 4 p.m.; Nov. 9-10, One-Act Festival at 7:30 p.m. at Marjorie Lyons Playhouse; Nov. 9, Lecture entitled “From Africa to the American Dream” by Dr. Kodjo Adabra; Nov. 10, Annual Veterans Day Tribute in the Hargrove Amphitheatre; Nov. 27, Centenary Yourth Orchestra concert at 7:30 p.m. in Anderson Auditorium; Dec. 1, Christmas Candlelight service at Brown Chapel begins at 5:30 p.m., carols at 6 p.m.; Dec. 9, Holiday Makers Market at Meadows Museum from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
NOV. 3: THE MAD SCIENTISTS’ BASH: Get ready for a “mad” evening and meet fellow mad scientists and go crazy over food, dancing, special made-in-a-laboratory cocktail concoctions and science-related activities. Come dressed in explosive or electric cocktail chic or don a classic white lab coat and be prepared to be thrilled. Music by Windstorm. 7-11 p.m. Price: $150 per ticket. For more information, call 318-424-3466. Sci-Port Discovery Center. 820 Clyde Fant Pkwy, Shreveport.
NOV. 3: THE COTTON CLUB GALA RETURNS: The Southern University at Shreveport Foundation presents the 2023 gala with a tribute to the late and great legendary icon Ms. Billie Holiday. 7-10 p.m. Guest are encouraged to dress in their roaring 20s/30s dressy outfits. Ticket price, $100. Reserved VIP table for eight, $800. For more information, call 318-208-8184 or 318-218-2911. Sam’s Town Hotel and Casino, Shreveport.
NOV. 3 - NOV. 18: BROOKSHIRE GROCERY ARENA: Nov. 3, Katt Williams; Nov. 18, National Black Rodeo Finals. For more information, go to www.info@brooshiregroceryarena.com. 2000 Brookshire Arena Drive. Bossier City.
NOV. 4: DAY OF THE DEAD: The Hispanic Heritage Association of North West Louisiana will present the “Day of The Dead” at Festival Plaza. Embracing the afterlife, a grand celebration of culture and traditions from Mexico and beyond. A 12-ft. tall “Catrinas” will also be featured. Catrina and Altar contest. 12 - 10 p.m. For more information, go to Facebook, Day of the Dead Festival Shreveport 2023.
NOV. 4, 11: YOGA IN THE PARK WITH BLOOM: Fun flow, appropriate for all levels. Bring a yoga mat or a towel (and water). Cost: $20 a person or $30 per couple. Pay with cash day of or Venmo@bloomyoga318. Greenleaf Park in Provenance.
NOV. 4: NORTHWEST LA YOUTH SUMMIT 2023: The second annual event will be held at Southern Hills Park and Community Center from 8:30 a.m. with breakfast. Program begins at 9 a.m. and ends with a motivational luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Free and youth ages 10-18 and their parents, too, are invited. Door prizes throughout the day. Discussions include: cyberbulling, dating etiquette and trafficking, police engagement and substance use disorder. Those who are interested in attending can register at this link: https://arcg.is/0yf0z0. If any more questions, people can contact Yolanda Duckworth at Yolanda.Duckworth@la.gov. 1002 W. Bert Kouns Industrial Loop, Shreveport.
NOV. 5 AND 12: BARKSDALE MARKET: Enjoy this new community market on Sundays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. with space for three dozen vendors with farm goods, breakfast and lunch goods, handmade items, honey, crafts, soap, retail vendors, boutiques, kids’ activities and more. Leashed pet friendly. Indoor seating area and restrooms. Free admission and free parking. www.BarksdaleMarket.com. 3226 Barksdale Blvd, Bossier City.
NOV. 5: “COCO”: Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel finds himself in the stunning and colorful land of the dead following a mysterious chain of events. 4:30 p.m. For more information or tickets, call 318-226-8555. The Strand Theatre. 619 Louisiana Ave., Shreveport.
NOV. 9: THURSDAY IN THE PARK: Do a little shopping, grab dinner and dessert, then spread out on the lawn with family and friends and experience what Provenance has to offer. 4 - 8 p.m. Vendors, music and food trucks announced at www.yourprovenance.com. Greenleaf Park in Provenance.
NOV. 9: CUT AND LIGHT: The Tobacco House will offer great cigar deals, food, drinks and raffles. Forged Cigar Co., “Cut and Light.” 6-9 p.m. For more information, call 318-425-9987. 9464 Mansfield Road, Shreveport.
NOV. 9: LOYOLA STYLE SHOW: Celebrating 70 years of fashion, music, culture, Loyola College Prep will model clothing from local clothiers. Doors open at 11 a.m. and begins at 11:30 a.m. $50 advance tickets. $55 at the door. For more information, or tickets, call 318-226-6290 or www.myschoolbucks.com. Lunch provided by Silver Star. Bossier Civic Center.
NOV. 11: JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR: Celebrating its 50th anniversary, a new mesmerizing production of the iconic musical phenomenon returns to the stage. 7:30 p.m. For more information or tickets, call 318-226-8555. The Strand Theatre. 619 Louisiana Ave., Shreveport.
NOV. 11: ARK-LA-TEX GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION MONTHLY MEETING: Guest speaker is Liz Swaine, executive director of Downtown Development Authority. Her topic is “Downtown Shreveport: History, Mystery, Past and Present” at the Broadmoor Branch Library. Free and open to the public. For more information, call 318-746-1851 or visit www.altgenealogy.com. 1212 Captain Shreve Drive, Shreveport.
NOV. 16: THE MERCIFUL FROST VICTORIAN DINNER: Celebrating the end of the yellow fever epidemic in Shreveport from 1873, The Noble Savage is having an eight-course Victorian dinner. Begin with Fever Soup, end with a dessert banquet. $75 per meal. $25 additional paired alcoholic drink with five courses. 6 -9 p.m. For more information, go to Facebook/The Merciful Frost Dinner. 417 Texas St., Shreveport.
NOV. 17-18: DOWNTOWN SHREVEPORT PINK WEEKEND: Beat Black Friday to the punch with Pink Weekend. Doorbusters, prizes and special giveaways. Retail and restaurant locations. For more information, www.downtownshreveport.com/pink-weekend.
NOV. 18: MEET AND GREET: Meet and greet the Tobacco House’s owner, George Rico, while sampling great offers of cigar deals, food, drinks and raffles. Gran Habano Cigar Co., 6-9 p.m. For more information, call 318-425-9987. 9464 Mansfield Road, Shreveport.
NOV. 24 & 25, DEC. 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 21-23: BELIEVE LIGHTS THE NIGHT: Experience the magic of Christmas at the fourth annual event. Add a touch of enchantment to your holiday season with the ultimate interactive Christmas journey through the biggest, brightest and most beautifully decorated place in town. Receive a magic motion-activated Christmas wand that turns on lights, makes music, lights a fireplace, creates reindeer footprints, jingles bells and more. Photo ops with Mrs. Claus, Glacielle the Snow Mermaid and Santa’s jolly elves and more. Sit with the big guy himself, too! 5-9 p.m. Shreveport Aquarium, 601 Clyde Fant Pkwy, Shreveport.
NOV. 25: BOSSIER SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY MARKET: 2023 Bossier outdoor “Shop Small Market” will feature 85+ local businesses, vendors, food trucks, crafters, artists, retail and more. Free admission. Free parking. Enjoy live music and fun for the entire family. Face painting, balloons and games for family and pet friendly environment. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Pierre Bossier Mall.
NOV. 25: DOWNTOWN SHREVEPORT SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY: Join for a history walk, shopping and restaurant specials with chances to win holiday swag. Fun for the family. For more information, www.downtownshreveport.com/small-business-saturday.
NOV. 25: ROCKETS OVER THE RED DINNER WITH A VIEW: Experience the fireworks and Texas Street Bridge lighting with dinner and a view at the Shreveport Aquarium. Enjoy free valet parking and a glass of champagne along with a fabulous meal. Bar opens at 6 p.m. fireworks at 7 p.m. and dinner is served at 7:30 p.m. Tickets, $80 per person. Shreveport Aquarium. 601 Clyde Fant Pkwy, Shreveport.
NOV. 29 - DEC. 2: SHREVEPORT CONVENTION CENTER EVENTS: Nov. 29-Dec. 2, Les Boutiques De Noel; 400 Caddo St., Shreveport.
DEC. 7: CUT AND LIGHT: The Tobacco House presents Aganorsa Leaf Cigar for a cut and light with great offers of cigar deals, food, drinks and raffles. 6-9 p.m. For more information, call 318-425-9987. 9464 Mansfield Road, Shreveport.
NOV. 23-26: “ANASTASIA (YOUTH EDITION)”: Stage Center and their School of Performing Arts present the fourth SoPA production of the 12th season at Marjorie Lyons Playhouse on the Centenary College Campus. Nov. 23 and 24 at 6 p.m. 2 and 6 p.m. Nov. 25, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 26. Tickets are $20 and on sale Nov. 6 online at StageCenterLA.com or call/text 318-218-9978. 2700 Woodlawn Ave., Shreveport.
Massimo Bezoari and other artists on exhibit through Nov. 13.

Dr. Kodjo Adabra will speak on "Fron Aftrica to the American Dream" Nov. 9 at Centenary College.

Windstorm performs at Mad Scientists' Ball Nov. 3 at Sci-Port Discovery Center.

Witness the skies lighting up at Rockets on the Red Nov. 5 at the Shreveport Aquarium.

Embrace the afterlife at the Day of the Dead festival Nov. 4 at Festival Plaza.

Shaylift performs Nov. 18 at Frank's Pizza.

Stage Center and its School of Performing Arts will present "Anastasia (Youth Edition)" Nov. 23-26 at Marjorie Lyons Playhouse.

Louisiana Grandstand presents Mo Pitney Nov. 5.