on the SCENE

Mary Rounds, Pam “Elvis” Atchison and Henry Price

Michael Acurio and Courtney Batts

Rebecca Bonneveir, Gregory and Heidi Kallenberg

Gail Brown and Caroline Smith

Sherry and John Stephens

Destiny Franklin and Haley Kirton

Cindy and Rick Simpson
Confetti filled the air as the Shreveport Regional Arts Council hosted the Christmas In The Sky theme announcement party on March 5 at Central Art Station in downtown Shreveport. “Sinsational: It’s Vegas Baby!” is this year’s event theme at Louisiana Down on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2024. Christmas In The Sky is the biennial fundraising event for the Shreveport Regional Arts Council. It features multiple decorated and themed spaces to explore, buffets of food, more than a dozen bars, plus more than 1,000 auction items up for bid.— Mark Crawford
Celina Rice and Pastor David Rice

Janis Thompson, Joe and Heather Duke

Crystal Nevins, Ali Nevins and Sherry Stuckey

Sharon Davis, Juanita Rodriguez and Glynis Johnston
The third annual Faith and Fostering Power of One banquet was held at Brookwood Baptist Church on March 14. The mission is to foster homeless young adults through community and connections to live life with hope and a purpose. Three women in the program gave their testimony. They are assisted with finding jobs, residences and vehicles. Frontline Catering provided the dinner. — Mary Ann Van Osdell
Samantha Cordero, Kim Cooper, Dr. Majed Jeroudi, Diana Townsend, Shannon Stanley and Nicolette Camarano
In late February, family and friends gathered to celebrate the life of Kaylee Rene’ Campbell. Kaylee would have been 21 this year.
Cousin Hunter Leone created a Harry Styles (Kaylee was a big fan) set for photographs.
Food, drinks and door prizes added to the fun.
Special caregivers were recognized for their support during her three-year battle with cancer. — Photos by Hunter Leone Photography

Kim Cooper and Hunter Leone

Allen Cooper, Kim Cooper, Tyler Campbell and Chance Campbell

Kewann Smith and Tristen Festavan

Kenny and Cherie Leone, Allen and Kim Cooper, Stephen and Shannon Leone, and Ben and Susan Burkett
Contributions by Mary Ann Van Osdell, Mark Crawford and Paul Savage. To be included in OTS, e-mail your high-res photos to editor@318forum.com.