Planning a Private Pool Oasis

Saying goodbye to the public pool and hello to your own backyard oasis is a big step
Before you get too deep into dreaming of lying poolside just steps from home, however, there are a few things to consider.
Look around your yard and see whether there are any overhead wires or other utilities that need to be moved. If so, bear in mind that they will be moved at your expense and on the utility company’s timeline. Call about any underground utilities. Check on your original house plans or make a free 811 call to confirm what’s under your yard. Check for easements on your property while you’re talking to utility companies and the city or county records offices.
While you’re looking for utility lines, notice how your yard is shaped. If you’re on a hill at all or have a dip in the yard, you may have to have a retaining wall or dirt work done before the pool can go in. It’s expensive but pales in comparison to having to fix the damage if your pool slides suddenly into your neighbor’s yard.
Make sure there’s enough room for heavy building equipment to access the area where you want the pool. Dump trucks, concrete mixers and more may need to get into your yard, and this may mean tearing out a fence or wall. Sometimes, contractors can use smaller equipment, but it takes longer and may be more costly.
Protected Areas
Research whether your home is in any sort of protected area, such as a historic district or wildlife zone. To put a pool in, you’ll need to go through a different approval process involving more boards than just your HOA. Speaking of homeowner’s associations, you’ll need to check with them, too.
Above Ground, Too
Just because you’re popping up an above-ground pool instead doesn’t mean you can skip these steps. Above-ground pools still may need dirt work to prepare the right pad for the pool to sit on to prevent damage to the pool, to your property and to your neighbors’ properties.