K-12 Education: 2025 and Beyond

Education success equals community success
Recently, KTBS-3 co-anchor Johnette Magner and I interviewed the two new school superintendents of Caddo on Bossier Parish on our KTBS-3 education podcast series, “Education Check Up.” These interviews with Keith Burton from Caddo and Jason Rowland from Bossier give a great look at the promises of our school leaders to provide the best education for the families in our community. This article focuses on the strong correlation between education and community success and the importance of collaboration between education and community.
Both school superintendents express thanks for the resources provided by our communities and their pride in the effectiveness of their use. Caddo Superintendent Burton expressed pride in the fiscal foundation to “stick to our game plan, sticking to what we know has a great return on investment and funding priorities rather than wishes.”
Each school district looks forward to preparing for the needs of the future. Bossier Superintendent Rowland talks about the strong financial foundation and community support in Bossier and the establishment of a careful look ahead with three-, five-, seven- and 10-year plans. Caddo Superintendent Burton talks about 12 straight years of balanced budgets, 40% of operating expenses in reserve and $40 million in reserve for new construction.
Despite this strong foundation in Caddo and Bossier school systems, difficult decisions await in Bossier related to continued growth in East, North and South Bossier. At the same time, Caddo will need to face the reality of two decades of reduced school population and will need to make hard decisions about school closings.
Each school leader spoke about the community support of the Shreveport-Bossier communities for the school system. Caddo Superintendent Burton noted, “What makes our community so special is the fact that we have willing partners from every corner of this community willing to uplift schools.” Bossier Superintendent Rowland believes this is because the school system is “intentional about collaboration and communication.”
This is evident in the community support of ECE, the extensive volunteer mentoring and tutoring efforts, and the support of tax issues for the schools. The support is strong and evident by the dedication of business, community leaders and government entities like Barksdale Air Force Base.
Bossier Superintendent Rowland spoke about the tremendous partnership with BAFB. He noted the “effect of Bossier’s investment in Barksdale Air Force Base and the BAFB investment in Bossier.” Mr. Rowland notes, “Our priority is to make this stop the best educational experience that military children have in their careers.”
Bossier has incorporated the Purple Star Award curriculum in all their schools that serve to educate military children from BAFB students. (Serving 22,500 students in the district with approximately 3,000 children from the base.) The result is 25 of the 35 schools winning the national award — an indication Bossier is meeting its priority of delivering excellence in education for the military children of our community.
Dr. Rozeman is a practicing cardiologist and co-host of a podcast, “Education Check Up.” He is board chairman of the Louisiana Committee of 100 and has recently received the Bob Hamm Distinguished Service Award from the Council for a Better Louisiana (CABL).