Caddo Teaching Academy Certification Program

Caddo Parish Public Schools is now accepting applications for the next cohort of Caddo Teaching Academy (CTA) for individuals seeking to gain a teaching certification.
The innovative certification program provides a fast track, streamlined and practical approach to job-embedded training to place an effective teacher in every classroom. The available certification areas are in elementary for grades one through five and English, math, biology, chemistry and general science for grades six through 12.
Since its inception, Caddo Teaching Academy has successfully filled more than 70 classrooms with certified teachers. The program offers no upfront fees while providing two-year coursework to take individuals from novice to seasoned teachers. Each candidate is provided with a coach and leaves with a certification recognized by the Louisiana Department of Education.
The application period is open now through April 1. The program is available to anyone with a bachelor’s degree possessing a cumulative grade point average of 2.2 or above, a passing score on the PRAXIS I exam or an ACT score of 22 or above, and a favorable score on the PRAXIS II exam. This exam measures academic skills and content knowledge. If accepted into the academy, candidates may begin teaching as early as the next school year with full pay and benefits.