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Monday, Jan. 16, 2023

Getting Homework Help


Students may think they’ve grasped a point – until they get home

Here’s how to get needed help so students can get back on track with their homework assignment.

In some cases, students may be struggling with organizational issues or procrastination. Begin with a conversation about taking responsibility for their own learning. If they continue to struggle with a particular task or subject, they may need additional help with their homework.

Touch base with teachers about extracurricular resources – and look around at what your local community offers. There are a variety of programs that may be available.


Teachers should include tailored homework resources in course material, either in printed form and over the internet via emails or education apps. Online learning tools and digital textbooks can help fill in the blanks when material is simply too complex to adequately cover in an hour-long setting. The best of these apps or programs include games and video with the modern-day student in mind. Encourage your school or school district to subscribe to helpful online services geared to home learning.

Finding Community Programs

Libraries may offer helpful after-school programs specifically meant to help with stubborn homework issues. Various states provide toll-free homework hotlines, as well. Community programs like the Boys and Girls Club may offer tutoring services, since that’s part of their larger mission. Meeting with fellow students to form a homework club, or just to focus on a critical upcoming test, can sometimes be a big help, too.

What’s Next

If a student continues to struggle, they may be dealing with a learning disability. If so, testing may be needed. Should they be diagnosed with an issue, school systems have special programs and required curriculum changes in place to get them back on track. If they’re not determined to have a learning disability, consider whether they simply have too much homework.

Students shouldn’t be assigned more than 10 minutes of homework per grade level per night, according to the National Education Association. They’re often given much, much more. In fact, the American Journal of Family Therapy has determined that some elementary students may be being assigned three times as much. Teachers should consider dialing back so that children aren’t overwhelmed, while parents should contact instructors and school administrators to voice their concerns about these assignments.


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