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Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023
At the start of the school year, we talked with the Louisiana State Superintendent of Education, Dr. Cade Brumley, on the KTBS-3 Education Checkup podcast. Dr. Brumley is from Northwest Louisiana and started his teaching career in Caddo Parish.
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023
While Congressman Mike Johnson was taking the oath as Speaker of the House of Representatives, the national media and people all over the country were scrambling to answer the question, “Who is the new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson?” This is written to answer the question for them.
Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023
These are different perspectives on school improvement, but there are common themes we all hold. We all want an education that provides opportunities for all our children, and we know we must begin at our children’s earliest years.
Men's & Women's Health
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
In many cases, depression can be caused by negative thinking itself. Our feelings follow what we are thinking, and dwelling upon negative thoughts can send us spiraling down into depression. This concept is the guiding principle behind Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) developed in the 1960s by Dr.
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022
As a physician, I understand the difficulty of having to make decisions in the midst of uncertainty. This has been the case for our political leaders over the last two years during the COVID pandemic. It’s been difficult to balance the prevention efforts for COVID and the economic and educational consequences of these efforts.
Friday, Feb. 11, 2022
The Omicron variant is the most contagious but least virulent COVID variant we have faced during the pandemic. This combination of lots of cases and less severe illness leads to greater natural immunity in the population. Along with America’s intense vaccination efforts, this will greatly reduce the impact of COVID in the near future.
Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021
The whole concept of scientific inquiry revolves around learning as you go. Scientific inquiry proposes a hypothesis and then tests this hypothesis. Science informs policy decisions, but it is disingenuous when politicians say they “only follow the science.

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