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Men's & Women's Health
Monday, Aug. 23, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t over. Currently in the fourth surge, COVID-19 is affecting hospitals locally, regionally and nationally. You have probably heard time and again about hospital staffing issues and extended wait times for care, as health-care professionals meet the demands of this virus head-on, all while taking care of a variety of patients.
Monday, Aug. 23, 2021
YPI enlisted a special committee to select 40 young professionals under the age of 40 from Northwest Louisiana based on values such as achievement, experience and innovation, vision, leadership and community involvement.
Monday, Aug. 9, 2021
This recipe is the perfect post-workout meal as it’s quick to make but rich in plant-based protein to help support muscle recovery. Quinoa is considered a complete protein meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids.
Monday, Aug. 9, 2021
Students are also supported throughout their high school career by Glad Alexander, college placement director; Susan Hymel, director of guidance and counseling; and Stephanie Johnson, assistant principal of academics. These three women provide personal accommodations to each student at Loyola and prepare them for college.
Monday, Aug. 9, 2021
hen the temperature rises, so can energy bills. Southwestern Electric Power Co. (SWEPCO), an American Electric Power (Nasdaq: AEP) company, offers 10 tips to help its customers manage both the heat and their electric bill: • Turn off lights and electronics when not in use.
In Brief
Monday, June 28, 2021
Murphy qualified for the prestigious Chairman’s Advisory Council based on distinguished performance. He joins other top-ranked advisors to discuss current issues and business opportunities with Ameriprise Financial Chairman and CEO Jim Cracchiolo and other Ameriprise Murphy.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Caddo Common Park will have a new look on Father’s Day. Eight permanent, ADAaccessible tables sets with umbrellas will be installed at the Caddo Common Art Bosque food truck area, located at 869 Texas Ave., just in time for Uncommon Sunday in the Park, June 20, from 12 – 4:45 p.
Monday, May 3, 2021
Now, with less restrictive Covid precautions, the women of Shreveport-Bossier City are ready to take on the world. The ladies on the following pages mean business, and they are ready to inspire us to new heights -- there is no glass ceiling here. Make sure and give them a call.
Cover Story
Monday, April 19, 2021
FREE ATTRACTIONS *Free Attractions are free with your gate admission to the State Fair and perform several shows per day each day of the State Fair. • Nerveless Nocks Thrill Show • The Pirate’s Parrot Show • GASCAR Crazy Animal Races • Paul Bunyan’s Lumberjack Show • Laura Jaye Aerial Show.

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