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Monday, April 19, 2021
Life and activities are returning to normal downtown, and we couldn’t be more pleased about it, or the variety of events happening the weekend of April 23-25. The fun begins in earnest Saturday morning with the Snowmageddon Plant Swap at The Lot, 400 Crockett St.
Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021
Start by sorting. Garages tend to accumulate a lot of stuff, some of it useful and much of it not. Begin your garage clean-out by sorting your belongings into groups. The items you no longer need can be divided further into sell, donate and trash piles.
Monday, Aug. 24, 2020
A beautiful, historic home in the Highland Neighborhood sits prominently on the corner of Highland Avenue and Wyandotte Street. The original owners of this striking, two story house built in 1914 could never have imagined how this home would change the lives of more than 1,400 women.



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