Home / Tag: painting
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
art world is bifurcated into the things you read about in art publications and in the news (art fairs, auction prices for contemporary art, and a handful of art stars) and things you never hear about. Art in Shreveport is in the latter category. Here, artists toil away in obscurity like the rest of us.
Monday, Dec. 4, 2017
Artist Vanicka Terhune diligently works on an abstract painting in her studio. The piece isn’t quite turning out the way she wants it to, so she decides to splash paint in two different areas on the canvas. Suddenly, she sees a face emerge from her painting.
Monday, July 31, 2017
A glass and metal door leads into a foyer flooded with sunlight. A modern “Sputnik” light from Henson’s Lighting shines down on a painting by local artist Vanika Terhune. A bright blue basket weave console table and lamps from the space: interiors collection sit beneath the painting.



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