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Monday, April 20, 2020
One such person was Eric Hess, one of the glass artists at Sanctuary Art Glass near downtown Shreveport. He and his partner in glass, Michelle Pennington, were just two more citizens cast adrift on the shores of idleness. Hess was noodling around Facebook when something caught his eye.
Monday, Dec. 2, 2019
Half a century ago, revolution was taking place everywhere you looked. The Beatles and Woodstock revolutionized our view of music and youth culture. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin revolutionized our view of space. And Nancy Wilson began a career that transformed the way she viewed herself and her world.
Monday, Dec. 2, 2019
This article will be a little different from what I usually write. Once or twice a month, the local Carrabba’s Italian Grill hosts a wine dinner. Each dinner has a different theme with different offerings, but they always include great food and they.
Monday, Sept. 23, 2019
“I’m a constant worrier. I worry about everything,” said Prize Fest founder Gregory Kallenberg. “We stay up at night thinking how to make this bigger, bolder, bawdier, louder and more fun. It is a constant process with us to keep tinkering and tweaking to make this even more than it.



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