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Monday, March 23, 2020
an academic medical center (AMC) is a “gem” touted frequently throughout north Louisiana and beyond. We should all be thanking those in our community, who worked diligently to bring a school of medicine, school of graduate studies and school of...
Monday, March 23, 2020
Thefood choices we make have a significant impact on our overall health. Being overweight or obese is one of the biggest contributors to poor health and can be controlled with a proper diet. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the prevalence of obesity is 18.
Monday, March 9, 2020
When you really think about it, a cancer, regular screenings can lead to early woman’s health affects society. detection, when it is very treatable with a Women are key in maintaining high survival rate. Find a doctor and seek healthy families. That means caring for themselves and their children.
Monday, Aug. 12, 2019
A common misconception about mental health is that it solely pertains to identifying and treating mental health disorders. The truth of the matter is that it’s about ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to live a full and productive life. Dichotomous thinking about mental illness does a disservice for the treatment of mental illness.
Monday, Aug. 12, 2019
Regular check-ups with your doctors are a good way to make sure you are healthy and stay healthy. Even if you feel good and do not have any health issues or concerns at the time, check-ups can help find health problems early, ensuring they are treated promptly.



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