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Monday, July 12, 2021
There isn’t a better time than now to start getting fit with health information and products so easily accessible. Simply incorporate the basics into your daily routine – good nutrition, adequate exercise and a daily supplement – and start down the path toward better health.
Monday, March 22, 2021
“Venues that were able to withstand being shut down have adapted both administratively and physically. Many have new policies allowing greater flexibility should an event need to be canceled or postponed due to COVID-19,” says Jason Mitchell Kahn, a New York City-based wedding planner.
Monday, March 8, 2021
Good nutrition in the early years, especially the first year, is crucial for your baby’s development. With all of the different foods, vitamins and minerals to think about, it may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but it gets easier with time and practice.
Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021
In the fall of last year, Shreveport’s recycling collection contract expired after the private companies negotiating the renewal of that contract requested changes that were not in the city’s interest. The city subsequently issued a request for proposals for recycling collection, which drew no responsive bids.



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