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Monday, July 16, 2018
You know the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” For Camille Schmoutz, it took a village to make her passion project come to life. Now, this licensed cosmetologist is also the writer, producer and director of a completed short film titled “Gloria.
Monday, Feb. 15, 2016

For the candidates, it’s all in the storytelling

Many fictional writers say if you leave these key characters out of your story you will risk losing your audience, altogether.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

More than 30 health care workers honored

Susan Belanger said her husband’s story with Parkinson’s disease is nothing short of a miracle after the treatment and support they received from numerous local health care professionals.
Monday, Feb. 16, 2015

Blanchard native authors love tale during Hurricane Betsy

over to an electronic medical record. So, to practice my typing, I wrote the beginning of the story, where Betsy shoots the water moccasin on the front porch,” Lawler said. “I let it sit for a year or so, and then the rest of the plot formed up, and then it was just a matter of trimming out the story.
Monday, Jan. 26, 2015

Troupe recognizes season’s favorites

Stage Center Artistic Director Jared Watson said awards were handed out in a number of categories in which voters could indicate their favorites. He emphasized that Stage Center was trying to make these awards more about pleasing patrons than deciding who was the best in any given role.



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