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Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020
It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that 2020 was the year the live music died, or at the very least, was put on indeterminate hold.
Monday, Aug. 24, 2020
Three generations of the Sparke family have overseen operations here. The latest is Anna Maria Sparke, no kin to the island. “My grandfather [H. A. Sparke] had it from 1956 until he died in 1984. And my father [R. W. Sparke] took over in 1984, and he ran it until his death in 2020.
Monday, Aug. 10, 2020
The COVID-19 virus has changed everyone’s world. For many, health and career have been impacted. Others have experienced the crush of change from mental, spiritual and other health concerns to caring for our children and aging parents. The last few months have been a time of personal disruption and transition.
Monday, May 18, 2020
“I think people are definitely looking forward to getting some fresh produce that they haven’t been able to find in the grocery stores recently,” said market manager Emerie Gentry. “Meats are kind of hard to find, and those will be readily available.”.
Monday, May 18, 2020
How have families worked this temporary “normal” into their lives? And how do some unwind or find ways to enjoy quiet time when homes are bustling all day and being alone is rare? Several area moms have found their own ways to handle all of the new and old responsibilities and find time for self-care.



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