Wonderland With Twists
Auction Against AIDS promises entertaining night of ‘mischief’ for a cause

With over 200 silent auction items and 20 live auction items, guests will have plenty to bid on from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Aug. 29 at the Shreveport Convention Center Captain Shreve Ballroom. The auction’s theme is “Wicked Wonderland,” and organizers promise a “mischievous” night of food and entertainment, along with live and silent auctions.
Jacquelyn Barber is this year’s artistic director, and she has worked hard to bring Wonderland to life.
“‘Wicked Wonderland’ is an Edwardian Mad Hatter tea party gone bad,” Barber said. “We're creating a world of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ characters who have arrived at a garden party filled with beautiful creatures, earthly delights and steampunk twists.”
“I was asked to assist with the Philadelphia Auction Against AIDS three years ago and have loved every moment,” she said. “Since this year is the 150th anniversary of the publishing of ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ I thought was my perfect chance to bring my ideas to life.”
Costumed characters, hula hoopers and stilt-walkers will entertain with the Louisiana Dance Collective performing original numbers and DJ Chuck Davis adding to the ambiance. “We have some wonderful characters who've been appointed to encourage the ‘tea party’ guests to bid on a variety of silent auction items,” Barber said. “We have Avery Anne as Steam Punk Alice, Jade Summers as The Queen of Hearts, and Prada Cayne Mylan as The Cheshire Cat. We also have a Mad Hatter and Alice who will welcome guests as they arrive. Don't forget the hunky Jack of Diamonds who will be in charge of assisting with the live auction items. It’s a tea party filled with many faces.”
Barber hopes there will be a lot more “surprise” Wonderland characters at the auction.
“This year we are encouraging people to dress up in there favorite ‘Alice in Wonderland’ costume. The sky is the limit,” Barber said. “We are hoping that guests will get very creative. The addition of more people dressed in character will make the visual that more fantastic. Of course, dressy cocktail is always appropriate if you are not wearing a costume.”
Board member Lonnie McCray is the auction chair for the second year, and he has been hard at work securing very impressive items for the auctions.
“For the silent auction, we currently have collected over 40 pieces of artwork – most from local artists within the Shreveport-Bossier [City] community, and we are continuing to receive beautifully crafted work that will be available,” McCray said. “We have gift certificates from local businesses such as Chemistry Hair Salon and Shreveport Little Theatre. We also have gift baskets donated by Dillard’s, handbags and a flat-screen TV. We have certified sports memorabilia for New Orleans Saints fans and Dallas Cowboys fans, and certified collages for Taylor Swift, Bon Jovi or Beatles fans.”
“Two large raffles ensure that everyone has a shot at some truly fabulous prizes,” Garrett Johnson, director of development for the Philadelphia Center, said.
Clarkes’ Jewelers is sponsoring the “Queen of Diamonds” raffle. “There are actually five chances to win for this one,” McCray said. “First, anyone who purchases a ticket online before the night of the auction will be automatically entered into the first of five raffles. The winner will receive a $1,000 dollar shopping spree at Clarkes. Then, the night of the auction, we will be selling a deck of playing cards. For $150, attendees can purchase their favorite card from the deck. This card enters the person into one of the four other raffles which is also for another $1,000 dollar shopping spree. So, $5,000 in jewelry is up for grabs.”
The next raffle is from Central Station, who is sponsoring the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party,” a three- part raffle.
“This is a liquor, beer and wine raffle.
Guests will purchase raffle tickets to be entered into any one or all three contests, and the winner gets to take home a barrel of booze,” McCray said. There are over 35 bottles of liquor, 29 bottles of wine, and several different beer choices in the mix.
Funds raised at the auction benefit The Philadelphia Center, which was developed in the spring of 1990 as concerned citizens responded to the HIV/AIDS epidemic as it spread into the Shreveport area of Louisiana.
“Because of the amazing support in our community, we have actually been able to expand services.,” McCray said. “A Wellness Center has been established, and we are able to test for other STDs now. We were able to partner with the MLK Clinic and now have our own clinic day for clients who are uninsured. We are able to maintain our outreach program, traveling to churches and schools educating the community. We also have funds to start our mobile testing unit and will be purchasing a van and fitting it for testing purposes.”
Funds also support Mercy Center, a permanent residential facility for individuals living with HIV/AIDS.
Want to go?Tickets are $50 and are available online at philadelphiacenter.org or at the door. Everyone who purchases a ticket online before the auction will be entered to win a $1,000 shopping spree at Clarkes’ Jewelers.