Home / Features / Community / UNITED WE FIGHT
Monday, Aug. 28, 2017


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United Way of Northwest Louisiana fights for the health, education, financial stability and essential needs of everyone.

The tag line “We have one life. To live better, we must Live United,” is more than a phrase to United Way. United Way envisions a community where every individual has an opportunity to succeed, and entire communities thrive as a result.

More than 124,000 people in Northwest Louisiana benefi tted in 2016. For every dollar invested, United Way is able to provide $4.74 in return (ROI). More than 70 programs were funded in 2017 providing services to nearly 200,000 people. The work is fueled by the passion 15,000 individual donors, 800 businesses and more than 3,789 volunteer hours from those who give their time, money and voice to improve the lives of others.


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