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Monday, Aug. 28, 2017

Nonprofits Trained for Success.

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The inaugural class of the United Way of Northwest Louisiana’s Executive Academy graduated this summer and provided nonprofi t leaders a fi ve-month, in-depth, leadership development series. By providing nonprofi ts with essential skills, United Way is ensuring that the most effi cient and effective programs are offered, better serving the community and maintaining the highest standards to receive grant dollars. United Way of Northwest Louisiana has worked with non-profi ts across 10 parishes for many years, and two areas have been identifi ed where nonprofi ts needed assistance: obtaining fi nancial resources and learning to operate with best practices. UWNWLA’s new non-profi t academy met both needs. Despite the high volume of applications, only 20 non-profi ts’ executives were selected. “Even though I have worked in the non-profi t industry for over 25 years, my education only allowed me to work on the fi nancial side of the agency. The Executive Academy has allowed me to enhance my personal and professional skills, so that I have been able to assist the Council on Aging on reaching and serving more seniors,” said Monica Wright, the new executive director of the Caddo Council on Aging.

United Way of Northwest Louisiana and the Beaird Family Foundation sponsor the program.


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