COVID-Friendly Receptions

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend avoiding large events and gatherings.
Weddings and receptions, however, may be possible in areas that permit such gatherings or with a pared-down guest list.
Before You Plan
Don’t set your heart on a huge blowout without first considering the number of COVID-19 cases in your community, the CDC says. High or increasing levels of coronavirus infection or in the areas people are traveling from to attend your wedding can pose a danger to your community.
Outdoor events are less risky, the CDC says, as are shorter events. Make sure you have enough room for people to circulate and social distance. Make sure you can encourage mask-wearing and hand washing. You may also need to consider any extra rules your venues have in place.
Ideas for a COVID-Friendly Reception
Here Comes the Guide listed these creative COVID wedding ideas:
• A drive-in movie. Set up your wedding and host a drive-in with the ceremony happening live but also projected onto a big screen and live-streamed for other guests. That way, each family could stay with their own group but still celebrate.
• Social distancing wristbands or pins. Offer your guests pins or wristbands that let them communicate their comfort level with socializing.
• A wedding tailgate. Guests parked their cars and stood with their household while the newlyweds walked through the rows to greet everyone. Afterwards, there was as car parade.
Take Advantage of a Pared-Down Guest List
Instead of despairing about possibly having fewer guests at your wedding ceremony, consider that a smaller guest list means more opportunity to have a really unique wedding day. Things like intimate, personalized toasts and speeches, a more luxe venue that may not have originally been in your budget or an updated reception menu may all be on the table.
Plan a Second Ceremony
Many brides are opting for a second, larger ceremony after their coronaviruslimited ceremony, says wedding dress designer Karen Willis Holmes.
“We can’t recommend enough that you do something extra special to take the attention off of the things you can’t do and put focus on making the absolute most out of your big day,” the designer says on her website.