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Monday, May 9, 2016

Growth in middle-class jobs, population key

Years later, Blount gave his life to Christ. “The Lord told me, ‘I sent you to Atlanta to set you among the pharaohs of fitness so you would have a knowledge way beyond many people, and I could bring you back to Louisiana to set my people free,’” he said.
Monday, Jan. 4, 2016

Bossier gym offers fellowship and family atmosphere

“I actually started a ministry for young kids that were going down the wrong path, and we were trying to entice them into the gym with mixed martial arts and fitness and obstacle training. We would do a quick devotional after every workout,” Nichols said.
Monday, Aug. 31, 2015

Aerial Expressions adds new element to yoga

“I’ve taught for 23 years in the realm of fitness. I just wanted to do something more, and aerial is something I had seen online, but it just wasn’t in this area yet,” Stevens said. “We started really small, just basic skills for about two years, but we had some people progressing really fast.



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