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Monday, April 9, 2018
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Exhibit Booths 5A. Southfield 6A. Midway 6B. Oak Park Microsociety 7A. First Baptist Church 7B. A.C. Steer 7C. CREDO Homeschool 8A. Herndon Magnet 8B. Creswell 8C. Werner Park 8D. St. Mark’s Cathedral 9A. Cherokee Park 9B. Eden Gardens 9C. J.P. Timmons 10A.
Monday, April 9, 2018
No other art event celebrates the achievements of ALL Caddo Parish Students better than ArtBreak and it’s Very Special Arts Festival (VSAF). Where some see challenges, ArtBreak and VSAF see Artists with exceptionalities who exemplify possibility, excellence and unimaginable talent.



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