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Monday, March 8, 2021
I have always envied those people who could pull off a week-long retreat between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day to reflect on life and make any course corrections for the upcoming year. Little did I know my first opportunity to be like them would come in a fifth-floor hospital room.
Monday, March 8, 2021
he yellow fever epidemic of 1873 took a heavy toll on the city of Shreveport. Reports estimate Shreveport lost about one-fourth of its population to yellow fever. Now, a move is underway to honor five priests who gave their lives in service to Shreveport during those dark days with sainthood.
Monday, Feb. 8, 2021
Dr. Sanders Graf said despite being cautious about infection, they were just as surprised by the severity of the Covid threat. “We’ve always worn eye protection. We’ve always worn masks, certainly when we’re working on patients. We use suction when we are creating aerosols.
Monday, Nov. 2, 2020
First, like elsewhere in the economy, many of its sectors were shut down or at significantly reduced operations due to the shelter-in-place orders mandated by the governor. Secondly, job losses were magnified in the MSA by the fact that this is a large gaming market with over 4,800 employees.
Monday, Nov. 2, 2020
2020 has brought us so much to deal with. In January, as a counseling practice, we were already full. We were already dealing with a 200% increase in teen self-harm — a 19% increase in first-year college students being diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression.
Monday, Nov. 2, 2020
Pioneering architects Samuel G. and William B. Wiener have been one of Shreveport’s hidden treasures. “Unexpected Modernism,” an upcoming documentary on the Wiener brothers, will shine a light on their work in Shreveport and their impact on the world of architecture.
Monday, Oct. 19, 2020
For many people, the COVID-19 global pandemic tested their financial health as well as their physical health: economic slowdowns, Paycheck Protection Plans and more impacted America’s pocketbooks. Many turned to local credit unions for advice and security.
Monday, Oct. 19, 2020
Early on in my career, I didn’t quite know what all that was about; there were some things we were encouraged to do or talk about since it was our chance to shine, yet it was only Father Time that truly enlightened me.
Monday, Oct. 5, 2020
That was a s--- show,” CNN’s Dana Bash said. “It was a train wreck. But it was the making of one person,” NBC’s Chuck Todd said, referring to the president. And one news report after another characterized the president as “arrogant” and “un-American.”.



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