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Monday, Dec. 2, 2019

Naughty & Nice


Want to make your guests feel welcome? Invite them in!

A little help in the hospitality department can come in all shapes and sizes.

Enjoy a romp through this fantastic holiday home and find inspiration for your next gathering.

... And maybe a gift idea along the way.

Does this home look familiar? It should! We gave you a peek at the rest of Angie and Gerry Burroughs' home in our last edition and had to save these special "hospitality" images for our December issue.

For the rest of the tour, visit 318forum.com to view our Nov. 20 edition. Enjoy!

Any old table will do for a drink station or for serving snacks! Add a splash of decor for fun, and guests are sure to mingle where treats are served.

Need a hostess gift? Pop into Enchanted Garden for something clever or maybe a decorative napkin ... or how about a seasonal soap and napkin set for the powder room? Clever.

318 Art & Garden will have many original items to choose from featuring charming Louisiana-based artwork and crafts. Delightful items to gift to anyone.

Isn't this the sassiest table you've ever seen? Too cute. Look at those legs and see stars ... We adore the festooning on the tree and the darling pieces on the table.

You can never go wrong with green! Especially if it is a Hermes silk scarf from American Coins & Collectibles.

Want to win friends and influence people? How about picking up a bit of frozen eggnog daiquiris from Tony's Beverage? Everybody's favorite frozen drink! How can you go wrong?

Enchanted Garden has a wide selection of treats to take along to a gathering or enjoy at home. Their own Cranberry Orange Pecan Honey Butter is a customer favorite!

Another knock-out in the Burroughses' home is their woodsy great room. What charm!

Our friends at Cush's Grocery & Market will be happy to hook you up with a custom gift basket of tasty treats perfect for friends and loved ones.

Put a little fun in your gift selection. How about these handsewn dolls for bringing Saints fans good juju? From 318 Art & Garden.

Someone's been naughty! How else could you be lucky enough to get Louis Vuitton? American Coins & Collectibles has you covered for luxury.


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