Feathering Your Nest

Cottage/Farmhouse style at Vintage and Other Good Stuff
Vintage and Other Good Stuff is one local shop that offers charming and timeless additions for the home.
“We specialize in home decor, vintage furniture and architectural pieces,” Annette Rhodes, owner of Vintage and Other Good Stuff, said.
Rhodes started the booth set up inside Antique Shoppes at 1100 Barksdale in Bossier City after she retired in 2014 from her previous career. She describes the shop’s style as “cottage/farmhouse.” “My shop targets people who love to ‘feather their nest’!” Rhodes said, There’s undoubtedly something for everyone nestled among the displays of beautiful garden stones, candlesticks, centerpieces, beads, mirrors, furniture, wreaths, figurines, quilts, bowls, trays, breadboards, crosses, benches and more.
Rhodes, who has been married to her husband, Joe, for 44 years and has three children, seven grandchildren and a great-grandchild on the way, knows the importance of home and “building a nest” for the family.
She’s always loved decorating, and now, through her store, she gets to help others do the same. Vintage and Other Good Stuff allows her customers a creative outlet to share the joy of decorating and creating their own design schemes – and cozy nest – from her carefully chosen products.
“I love shopping for and decorating our booth,” Rhodes said. She can imagine her customers taking home these unique treasures to create a cozy space for their own families. She’s also grateful to get to work alongside her husband, who serves as the store’s operations manager.
“People should come shop Vintage and Other Good Stuff, because, hey, we’ve got a lot of ‘good stuff,’” Rhodes laughed. “Also, we change our vignettes frequently, and we shop constantly for things to love and sell.”
This new year for 2021, Rhodes hopes to see growth in her booth and continue to provide a fun shopping experience for the people of Shreveport-Bossier and beyond. Rhodes is happy to do her part to contribute to local homemaking and plans to keep offering quality materials that give customers the chance to do just that.
Vintage and Other Good Stuff is located at 1100 Barksdale Blvd. in Bossier City and is open Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sundays from 12 to 5 p.m. For current listings of products and more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/Vintage-and-other-good-Stuff-519987768106942