Home / Articles / By Lynn Laird
Monday, March 26, 2018
tips and techniques the home cook can use to elevate the everyday meal, bringing his humor and experience to television audiences seems a natural progression. The vision and talent of Michael and Lillian Campisi, Michael Campisi Productions, have made that a reality with the filming of “Cooking at the Cottage” featuring Chef John Strand as the host.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Talking with Chef Anthony Felan about his latest endeavor, the Fat Calf Boucherie, it is easy to tell something really special is happening at 1200 Marshall St. in Shreveport. First of all, the food is great.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Cafe artspace invites foodies to lunch

One thing I love about Louisiana is our ability to appreciate when something offers a little something extra. Providing that special touch is often what elevates our experience past the mundane. I fin
Monday, Jan. 5, 2015

Flipping for cakes

Batter up! I am flipping for pancakes and flapping some jacks. You may be familiar with thick buttermilk pancakes served stacked beside a heaping selection of breakfast fare, but from thin crepes to f

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