Home / Articles / By Anon E. Muss
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023
If you go to BeauxJax, be prepared to park and walk. A little after noon, street parking near the restaurant was full. We parked in a concrete surface lot behind and a couple of streets over from BeauxJax.
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023
Having never been to Doc’s (which should not be confused with having never been to the doc), I invited a friend to join me on what would be a first-time visit for both of us.
Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023
Therefore, to me, The Blind Tiger (120 Texas Street) is out of sight, out of mind. The only time I hear about the restaurant is when someone drives their car into the building, which has happened more than once in its 31 years at the foot of the Bakowski Bridge of Lights.
Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023
Anthony’s Steak, Seafood & Poultry (7504 Mansfield Road in Shreveport) is a place I’ve heard good things about but never visited. I’m told the restaurant – established in 1992 – is in what used to be a Pizza Inn.

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